Welcome from MSM Alumni Inc. President  
2020 has been an extraordinary year and our Alumni, like everything in the world, went on pause.

However, we were fortunate to celebrate the Mother Daughter High Tea. Rebecca Treston QC (1983), returned to the College as guest speaker. Ms Treston is an experienced authority as first female President of the Queensland Bar. Her address to the 2020 International Women’s Day theme, ‘Each for Equal’, was a comprehensive and compassionate reflection.

Alas, we have not had the pleasure of reunions in 2020. But we have watched in ‘faith and love’ how the school staff and students have pivoted so magnificently to continue with the school year.  

After considerable years of service to the Alumni, pivotal members recently stood down. The Alumni wishes to acknowledge the prolific efforts of Secretary Claire Hurwood (Machin 1983) and Treasurer Claire McMahon (Buckley 1964). Both ladies’ extraordinary contribution has been the cornerstone to the continued function of our small committee, our community, and our camaraderie. 
This year marks my last as President and I am thrilled to hand the reins to Anne O'Keeffe (1986). I also thank Kate Taylor (1990) for stepping in as our new Secretary. The position of Treasurer remains open and interest may be directed to alumni@msm.qld.edu.au

As always in Faith and Love.  
From the desk of Sharon Volp, Principal
What a year 2020 has been!  I sincerely hope that all Alumni and your families have kept safe and well during these unprecedented times.

In September, the Alumni Committee was finally able to meet physically as a committee for their AGM.  I would like to acknowledge the outgoing members of the executive for their dedication and service to the Alumni over so many years. Thank you to Keleisha Rigby-Smith (President), Claire Hurwood (Secretary) and Claire McMahon (Treasurer) who have been passionate about growing the engagement of the Alumni and have been so generous with their time in attending to the “business” of the Alumni such as attending monthly committee meetings, supporting reunions, organising Mother-Daughter Garden Parties just to name a few of the commitments. Your special gifts that you have brought to the Association have been so valuable.

The Class of 2020 has graduated from MSM! There are now 144 new members of the MSM Alumni!  This year was always going to be a challenging year for the Year 12 as they faced the introduction of a new Queensland Certificate of Education system that has included external exams, but the global pandemic has added a whole new level of complexities. I would like to acknowledge our Year 12 students and the way that they have led the College with resilience, enthusiasm, flexibility, and a sense of gratitude throughout this remarkable journey of 2020.

Their graduation activities have looked very different this year.  It was extremely disappointing not being able to run the Mother-Daughter Garden Party this year.  I thank the Alumni Committee for their gift to the Class of 2020; the glasses that they would have received at the Mother-Daughter Garden Party and a very generous donation of $5000 to Downs and West Community Support on behalf of the Class of 2020.
With the easing of restrictions announced on Friday 13 November, we were able to restructure our graduation events to allow the cohort to celebrate together with two parents/carers.  We were so grateful to Fr Gerry Kalinowski, who made himself available at such short notice to celebrate Mass.  One of real highlights was a recorded video message by Sr Clare Nolan, Congregational Leader of the Sisters of Charity and Alumni of MSM, to our 2020 graduating class.  An extract of her message is below:

At this point I was asked to offer a prayer or a blessing for the graduating class. But I think that a verse from the prophet Isaiah might say better and more succinctly what I would like you to reflect on:   “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Do not be dismayed…  Be brave…. Trust… Love. Those four things will help you through.

And remember St Catherine of Siena: “Be who God meant you to be and set the world on fire!”

In conclusion, I hope that the next stages of your life journeys are both positive and fiery and that you always feel connected to MSM. Like me, you can now count yourself as alumnae of this wonderful College.

As the College year comes rapidly to a close, I wish all Alumni and their families a Blessed Christmas and a safe and happy holiday. May 2021 be filled with peace, joy, and hope.

In Faith and Love
Sharon Volp
MSM Alumni Successes
Toni Power (1975) after 25 years experience working in the public sector at state and Commonwealth levels, being appointed as Queensland’s first female Co-ordinator General. Her role is critical to the delivery of numerous major infrastructure projects in Queensland and has a wide range of powers to independently assess and balance the economic development, environmental sustainability and social impacts of large-scale projects.
Alice Spies (2011) was selected as a finalist for the 2020 Women in Technology Community Award. The annual WiT Awards recognise outstanding talent and achievement giving women the recognition they deserve, building support for their work, and inspiring the next generation of leaders by showing what is possible.
Jayne Air (1997) achieving Queensland finalist in the 2020 Kitchen and Bathroom Designers Institute Awards in the Kitchens Plus category.
MSM Alumni Spotlight
MSM celebrated its 10th Anniversary Years 7-11 Mother Daughter High Tea on Friday 13 March and as is tradition, invited a past student to address the 680 guests. Rebecca Treston QC (1983), first female President of the Bar Association of Queensland, spoke of the continuing struggle that women have in our quest for gender quality. 

Next year, we have opted to host our much-loved Mother Daughter High Tea at the stunning Royal International Convention Centre, Brisbane Showgrounds. This promises to be as just as enjoyable as we together acknowledge International Women’s Day (IWD).  We join with a growing global movement, celebrating IWD and the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Just as we choose to walk beside our God, we are also asked to #ChooseToChallenge -  to call out gender stereotypes and bias, and to seek out and celebrate all women's achievements. 

2021 events and meeting dates
Meetings: 6pm at the College, Mary Aikenhead Centre, 20 Aloomba Road, Ashgrove.
Term 1 meeting 
22 February
22 March

Term 3 meeting 
23 August
13 September
Term 2 meeting 
24 April
14 June

Term 4 meeting
11 October
29 November
Mother-Daughter Coffee & Conversations Breakfast: Wednesday 5 May
Mother-Daughter Garden Party: Friday 8 October

Reunion Tours
Saturday 24 July and Saturday 4 September
Births, marriages, engagements and tributes
Send your news to alumni@msm.qld.edu.au
Mt St Michael’s College is so proud to have a centenarian in their Alumni Association. Lola Prout turned 100 years of age recently and we congratulate her on this significant celebration.
To Janet Thompson (Cronin, 1978), a grandson, Harry James, son of Ally and Stephen Thompson
Further baby news!
Natasha Serchen (Kosiek 2003), a son
Lauren Kunde (Roberts 2000), a second child, a son - Rollo Starling - born in January 2020
Penny Tarrant (1990), a first child, a daughter - Kingsley Love - born 11 June 2020
We are saddened to inform our community that Janelle Peacock (1988) has passed away after an illness. 
Let's connect!
If you haven’t already, please follow us on Facebook.
Does your year level run its own Facebook group? If so, let us know as we’d love to connect with you! Please email alumni@msm.qld.edu.au

Connect with us on LinkedIn - Click here

Read about us on the College website - Click here
Welcome to the Class of 2020 to the MSM Alumni
Class of 1975/77 Reunion
On 11 October 2020, 19 Mt St Michael’s College girls who finished school in 1975 or (Senior) 1977 celebrated their 60th birthdays at Brisbane Powerhouse. The ladies catch up once a year, however, this milestone celebration was all the more special, particularly as COVID did it’s very best to delay the gathering. There were a few changes needed but the MSM spirit shined through and they finally made it to a joyful riverside lunch.
19 ladies who are still great friends after meeting 48 years ago, celebrating that 60 is the new 40… or is that 30?!

Pictured from back row, left to right is: Collette Langois, Cecily Evans, Bernadette Byrne, Diane Bergin, Gabrielle Crowe. Delia West, Jenny Bowman, Lina Ambrosini. Flavia Formica, Maureen Jeffrey, Rita Tennison, Kerry Laing, Patricia Forchetti, Angelina Emilii. Bernadette Bracken. Karen Murray, Lynne Sheridan, Andrea Butler and Liz Flynn.
Milestone reunion in 2021
If you graduated in a year ending in one (such as 1971, 1991, 2001, etc) you are celebrating a decade-milestone in 2021. Or, if you graduated in a year ending in six (such as 1976, 1996, 2006, etc) you are celebrating a five-year milestone in 2021.

Or, was 2020 your reunion year - and you couldn’t gather?!? Why not come together in 2021, and join us for a Reunion Tour?

Reunion Tours
Saturday 24 July 2021 and Saturday 4 September 2021

Reunions are a fantastic way to reconnect with your Mt St Michael’s College classmates. When was the last time you made your way back to Mt St Michael’s College? Last year? Last decade? Not since graduation? Although your school years may be far behind, the friendships that began at MSM still remain, or are waiting to be rediscovered. Consider visiting the College as a part of your reunion celebrations. Contact alumni@msm.edu.au to find out more.
Around the College
2020 - A different Orientation Day
Our recent Year 7 Orientation Day looked a little different this year, due to restrictions on the number of people able to visit us. In previous years parents were invited to remain at the College on Orientation Day, to hear directly from our College Leadership Team and educational experts, and we hope to return to this in 2021 and beyond.

However, we did welcome more than 160 Year 6 girls, from over 20 local schools, to our beautiful campus and while there were some nerves, there was also an abundance of excitement, with new friendships eagerly formed.
MSM Celebrates
An important event on our calendar, the College acknowledged and celebrated the achievements of our students in the academic, mission, sporting and cultural fields of life at Mt St Michael’s College during our annual award ceremony ‘MSM Celebrates’. 

There have been limited opportunities for our musicians to perform to an audience this year, so it was wonderful to hear the uplifting sounds of our Wind Chamber Ensemble, singers, and enjoy a delightfully energetic dance performance.  While there have been challenges to overcome this year in the pursuit of excellence, our students have provided inspirational role modelling for our entire community.
Meet our 2021 College Captains
At a recent Year 11 Leadership Day Principal, Sharon Volp spoke on Servant Leadership, while our Deputy Principal, Mission, Stephen Campion spoke about the importance of Mission at the College. Claire Ryan, College Captain of 2016, shared with students her leadership journey. 

It is our aim that young women serve as they learn, so they may develop an understanding of the responsibilities that come with being part of our local - and global - community.

The College recently announced it's 2021 student leaders. These exceptional young women have now accepted this challenge with determination and grace. We look forward to supporting them and seeing them grow throughout this exciting journey during the coming year. 
Meet Kieran Donnelly, College Archivist

Kieran has joined MSM with many years of educational and archiving experience and will undertake the important role of maintaining and documenting the College’s rich history; an important role as we move towards planning for the College centenary in 2025. 

Kieran is pictured here with his daughter Elizabeth, College Captain (2010).

Contributions of photos, uniforms and memorabilia are gratefully accepted. Contact Kieran at archives@msm.qld.edu.au
MSM Business Directory
Visit the MSM Business Directory and help support the businesses that so generously support our College Community.
Keep in Touch
Help us keep in touch with you about all things
Mt St Michael's College Alumni related.
Please visit the Mt St Michael's College Alumni Assocation page to update your details.
Click here
Mt St Michael's College Alumni Association

Our mailing address is:
Mt St Michael's College
67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060