Welcome to the Term 2 edition of Aspire. The term is rapidly coming to an end, and it is with great pleasure that I share with you some of the recent activities at MSM.

It was wonderful to see so many families attend our Open Evening on 27 May. Our students were very excited to conduct the tours of our beautiful campus and to share their experiences of life at MSM. For those families who were in attendance I hope that you enjoyed meeting our students, staff and other members of our community.
Planning is underway for our next major community event, “The Spirit of the Arts Festival”, which will be held on Wednesday 31 August in the College grounds. I would like to invite any future families who have an interest in the Arts to attend. There is no need to register and a program will be available closer to the event.

I wish all families a safe, happy and relaxing holiday.

Yours in faith and love

Ms Sharon Volp
Mt St Michael's College
Excellence Awardee
Best Professional Learning Program
Mt St Michael’s College recently achieved an Australian Education Excellence Award for Best Professional Learning Program.
College Fees Raffle Winner
Congratulations to current MSM parent, Pari who is the winner of our Term 2, 2022 College Fees Raffle. Pari will receive $2500 credit towards her daughter’s tuition fees. Thank you to the entire MSM College community for generously contributing to our raffle in support of the Sisters of Charity Scholarships.
Term 3 Event
Save the Date

Spirit Of The Arts Festival
Wednesday 31 August - 5pm - 8pm
The Spirit of the Arts Festival celebrates and embodies the Arts as fundamental educational outcomes for MSM students. As an audience, you will be immersed in performances and Artwork exhibited from all year levels, throughout the campus during the evening. The audience moves, promenade style to various venues. There will be food and beverages for all and the evening closes with a spectacular ceremony featuring over 200 students. Please come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment provided by the students at MSM. 
Around the College
We hope that you enjoy our snapshot of life at MSM during Term 2!
Ethics Olympiad
The Ethics Olympiad is a unique and popular program for developing skills and fostering an interest in ethics. Unlike a debate, an Ethics Olympiad encourages students to develop robust arguments with friends and strangers, to collaboratively build a civil response to ethical issues.
Social Sports
MSM students have had the opportunity to try one of six "social" sports which takes the spotlight away from our competitive arena and focuses more on the physical and mental benefits of moving our bodies, with some also concentrating on the development of skills. Our Term 2 social sports have included Athletics Development, Aerobics Development, Boxing, Pilates, Tennis Development and Yoga.
Business Club TEEM BE
MSM Business Club TEEM BE attended the BlueShift Competition Finals Day at QUT Garden’s Point. The students presented a persuasive presentation that provided solutions to a real-world business problem. TEEM BE’s solution was presented with research and evaluated with short term costs and long tern finance driven KPIs. 
Year 10 Marist Dancing
The Year 10 Dancing program concluded with a dance at Brisbane City Hall. It was a fantastic night and the students enjoyed putting into practice all of the dances they have learnt throughout the program hosted by Marist College. 
Year 8 Theme Launch
Our Year 8 students enthusiastically launched their 2022 theme in the Sophia Centre. This was expertly led by the hard-working Year 8 Semester 1 Homeroom Captains who created a series of role-plays exploring how they could strengthen a sense of unity and community amongst the Year 8 cohort.  
STEM - Students Create LED Lightsabers for Star Wars Day
To celebrate Star Wars Day, students from all year levels made a LED Lightsaber. Students learned about using copper tape to make a simple circuit, how to make a switch, and that LEDs are efficient, but need to be connected in a particular direction.
Guard of Honour for Year 7 Students
At Assembly earlier this term, our Year 12 students had the chance to do a beloved tradition within the MSM community, the Guard of Honour for our Year 7 students. Our Year 7 students had big smiles on their faces as they passed our proud Senior cohort. 
Dress like a Farmer Day
MSM was awash with flannel, denim, boots and akubras as we celebrated a dress up day to raise much needed funds for Downs & West Community Support. The country spirit was particularly alive in Year 7 and Year 12, and amongst our wonderful staff. Together we raised $718.55 towards our campaign. We remember in our prayers all farming families who are dealing with damage and loss of income caused by recent flooding, and for all who continue to struggle with mental and physical health issues. 
Congratulations must be extended to all Year 7 and Year 9 students for their exceptional conduct whilst undertaking NAPLAN online testing this term. 
MSM Rugby at Suncorp Stadium
Our MSM Rugby players were the half time entertainment at the Wallaroos vs Fiji International Rugby Union game recently. It was a special experience to be invited by QRU to play rugby on the hallowed grass of Suncorp Stadium and support our country's finest women's rugby players.
Dance Showcase
Our Year 7-12 Curriculum and Co-curricular Dance students performed at the annual Mt St Michael’s Dance Showcase in Term 2. Performing dance pieces they have been working on to date this year, the event gave students an opportunity to present before a live audience. 
Hospitality Picnic Baskets
What’s not to love about these delicious baskets fit for any picnic event! Our Year 11 Hospitality Students worked hard on their Picnic Basket unit, preparing tasty sweet and savoury items for our staff who provided valuable feedback to the students ahead of their assessment.
National Sorry Day
As a nation, we pause to remember all survivors of the Stolen Generations and their families and acknowledge the deep intergenerational trauma that they have suffered as a result of government policies and actions. Our Staff and Students gathered for a memorial ceremony, where we prayed for all survivors and lowered our College flags to half mast in memory of all who were stolen. Our students signed a special Sorry Book with messages of condolence, hope and healing. As people of justice and compassion, we commit to building a society where all are welcome, safe and valued.
Cross Country Camp
We saw our MSM Cross Country team rise beyond all expectations at our Cross Country Camp. This camp was designed to challenge our students physically, mentally and allow them to work together as a team. All of that, in torrential rain for most of the weekend, saw this extraordinary group of young students rise to the challenge in the most inspiring way. The grit, resilience and strength of character every single one of them showed to stand tall and conquer the massive challenge was truly impressive. We are MSM PROUD and are beyond excited to be MSM LOUD as these students tackle their next challenge.
Term 2 ExtravaCANza
Our MSM Family had a wonderful time at our Term 2 ExtravaCANza market. Our CAN groups and Year 8 and 9 students came together to offer 8 amazing stalls. There was a sausage sizzle, games, DIY workshops and beautiful craft items for sale. All funds raised support Downs & West Community Support. 
Luminous Lantern Parade
Our Social Justice Council proudly joined with thousands of Brisbane residents for Multicultural Australia’s Luminous Lantern Parade at Southbank Parklands to welcome refugees and migrants who now call Queensland home. MSM has supported Multicultural Australia through the Lantern Parade and the Work and Welcome program for more than 10 years. 
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
Well done to our MSM students for a wonderful and colourful occasion celebrating the 2022 Interhouse Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to Grantuly House led by House Captain, Amelia for being awarded Champion House for 2022 and congratulations to Aikenhead House on winning the House Spirit points for this event. 
Reconciliation Liturgy
We concluded our term with a powerful Indigenous Reconciliation Liturgy, focusing on the enduring wisdom of our First Nations people and their strong connection to country. Our First Nations students were joined by more than 150 readers, dance, drama and music students to create a moving and challenging prayer Liturgy. 
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Mt St Michael’s College is pleased to bring to you the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our website and APP, this online portal, profiles businesses and provides opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote your services, sales and special offers. 

Many business owners profiled in the MSM Business Directory are long-term friends of the College. They include current and past parents, local businesses and alumni who, together show a commitment to Mt St Michael’s College and support for MSM events, fundraisers and initiatives. 

If you would like to be included in the online MSM Business Directory, simply email msmnews@msm.qld.edu.au

For more information please click here
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