Edition 10 - 19 June 2020 - Term 2

Indigenous Reconciliation Liturgy

As we were unfortunately unable to gather as a community of faith, our Indigenous Reconciliation Liturgy for 2020 was a virtual liturgy which was viewed by the student body in home room groups. It was also live streamed to the wider MSM community.

As a Catholic community, our liturgy was inspired by the words of Pope Francis when reflecting upon the incredible richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island culture.

“Your culture, which shows the lasting genius and dignity of your race, must not be allowed to disappear.  Do not think that your gifts are worth so little that you should no longer bother to maintain them.  Share them with each other and teach them to your children.
Your songs, your stories, your paintings, your dances, your language must never be lost.”

As a community of faith, we reflected upon the idea that reconciliation is needed for all Australians, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous, and that in working towards this together we can truly unify our land and our people.
Hence our liturgy focused on unification as the living body of Christ, through reconciliation and mutual love, which is centred and rooted in Christ.

Year 7 Geography Study 'Place and Liveability'

The Year 7’s have just finished their Place and Liveability Geography unit which compares the different liveability elements from two places in Ashgrove – Amarina Avenue and Waterworks to see which one is more “liveable”. The girls enjoyed venturing from the classroom and conducting liveability audits. Playing Liveability Bingo on Amarina Avenue allowed the girls to understand the importance of planning to create quality public places.  
Mt St Michael’s College was proud to contribute this month to the Mary Aikenhead Ministries June newsletter, Journeys. The request from Mary Aikenhead Ministries was to share a snippet of how our students transitioned to schooling from home during COVID-19. View the video below. Thank you to all involved.

Mary Aikenhead Ministries - Journeys Newsletter - June 2020
Click here to view

Year 12 students Zoom meet with Dr Susan Carland

Last week in Year 12 Study of Religion a Zoom meeting was scheduled with Dr Susan Carland. Dr Carland is an author and academic, best known for her work regarding Islam and Feminism. The students took turns to ask Dr Carland questions regarding the Islamic faith, her conversion to Islam and what it was like to be a Muslim in contemporary Australia. This Q&A coincides with Unit 4 Topic 1 where the girls are currently exploring religious freedoms in different countries around the world. Dr Carland was very impressed with the questions the girls had come up with and we walked away with not only a new perspective on religious freedoms in Australia but the role of feminism in the life of young women and their beliefs. 

Year 9 Theme Collaborative Artwork

Last Friday, the Year 9 cohort finished their collaborative artwork representing their theme of being resilient, being the reason for smiles and being confident in who they are. This artwork was contributed to by each student in the cohort during their retreat in Term 1. Thanks to Ms Bateman for her guidance and the Home Room Captains who led their peers in this activity.

Year 11 Visual Arts in Practice

Year 11 Visual Arts in Practice students explored digital technology and 4-D installation practices using the Google Tilt Brush for the Fashionista Module this semester.
Students developed concepts about their Self-Portrait, by experimenting with photography and photoshop techniques, to create the design for their chosen upcycled garment.
The process continued with students experimenting with image transfer techniques to apply their digital concepts to their garment.
The Google Tilt Brush was used to create objects within a 4-D space which were then captured in a virtual tour as students recorded the objects from different viewpoints and angles.
These recordings were then applied in the final display. This unit provided new skills and applications which proved exciting and successful.

Year 10 Theme Launch – “Planting the Seeds” 2020

Earlier this week the Year 10 Home Room captains launched the 2020 Year 10 Theme “Planting the Seeds”. Despite the threat from Weed Wendy, the girls fended off her threat to stifle their growth by using their determination, persistence, creativity and their trusty Weed Wendy Shield. Congratulations to Claudia Legge who designed the 2020 logo.

College Events and Activities

2020 Term Dates

Term 3
Tuesday 14 July 2020 – Friday 18 September 2020
Term 4
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 20 November 2020 (Year 12 students)
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 27 November 2020 (Years 7 - 11)


Supporting our Community -
Ministry Care Programme

Our College is aware that there are students and families within our community who, from time to time, are in need of support due to a variety of factors. As a community we respond through preparing meals for families experiencing difficult circumstances. If you would like to contribute to the Ministry Care Programme and support those who are going through difficult times, please contact Stephen Campion: scampion@msm.qld.edu.au

Cashless Payments at The Kaf

Please be advised, due to COVID-19 the The Kaf is only accepting Cashless Payments.

Please use debit/credit cards or ID cards connected with a Flexischool account.

For more information on how to set up a School ID card with Flexischools please click here.

P & F MSM Mothers' Lunch Update

Due to the likelihood that event restrictions on large gatherings will remain in place past July, the P&F Committee has made the difficult decision to cancel August’s P&F MSM Mothers’ Lunch. 

Although saddened to cancel such a heavily supported event, the safety of attendees and the wider-community must come first. This decision will also ensure that event supporters have the necessary time to make adjustments. 

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to celebrating with you again next year.
Best wishes,
P&F Association Mothers’ Lunch team
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules.
This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.

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