Message from the Principal

Term 3 commenced with a very "high energy" assembly thanks to the efforts of the 2020 Student Leadership Team and their mentor staff members.  It was wonderful to have the Year 12 and Year 7 students present as a “live audience” with the assembly live streamed to the rest of the College community. There is a sense of optimism and gratitude in the air as some of the activities that were temporarily placed “on hold” have resumed and were promoted at assembly.

It is exciting that MSM sport is back! Congratulations to our committed student athletes who participated in our Interhouse Cross Country on the Student Free Day on 13 July. Special congratulations to the Age Champions and to winning House Rush! Ms Roy has provided a report about the carnival in this newsletter.  Thank you to Ms Roy and Ms Page and the athletics coaches for running such a successful “modified’ carnival.  As a result, we 
are fielding a strong team of talented runners at the CaSSSA cross country carnival later this term. 

In responding to “the signs of the times” we have been exploring innovative ways to keep our parents engaged in our “regular” parental activities.  The two most recent activities that have required creative thinking have been the Parent-Teacher Conferences and the Year 11 2021 Subject Selection Evening. 

Thank you to the 100 parents who responded to our survey regarding feedback for our Parent-Teacher Conferences which were held on 13 July.   

A summary of the results are as follows:

  1. Did you find the online parent and teacher conference arrangements easy to understand?  99% Yes
  2. When using your own device, did you experience any issues connecting to the TEAMS Parent Teacher Conference? 96% Yes
  3. Where you satisfied with the level of technical support provided by the College? 97% Yes
  4. Was your experience of the Parent Teacher Conferences through TEAMS as effective as the face-to-face mode? 89% Yes
  5. Would you recommend the continued delivery of Parent Teacher Conference through TEAMS in the future? 88% Yes
  6. Is there any other feedback that you would like to provide to assist us in the evaluation of the use of TEAMS for Parent Teacher Conferences?

The comment summarized the response to this question.. 
“More effective time management for working parents.  No rushing to the school, no parking issues, no looking for teachers.  Allowed more privacy, less distractions and both parents to participate easily”. 

We also received some constructive feedback regarding issues.  Some parents accidentally by-passed the lobby which resulted in interrupting another parent’s interview.  This occurred when parents used their daughter’s laptop.  Another issue identified was around timing – running over time, suggestions about increasing/decreasing the amount of time and including “changeover” time.  We are currently looking at ways to address these issues. 

Thank you again for your feedback which is extremely valuable as we plan for the Years 7-9 Parent-Teacher Conferences on 11 August.  

We have also received some very positive feedback regarding our alternative approach to the Year 11 2020 Subject Selection Evening on Tuesday night. A huge thank you to Ms Collier, Ms Howe and Curriculum Leaders who put a great deal of effort into preparing the presentations that are available on the evening.  It was wonderful to see the large number of families that gathered on-line for the “live presentation” and the question and answer session that followed.  Presentations will be made available through TEAMS. 

We will continue to evaluate activities in the light of COVID safe approaches to ensure that we are meeting community needs with a priority on keeping everyone safe and informed.  

It is my pleasure to officially launch the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our College website, this is an online portal, profiling businesses and providing opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote their services, sales and special offers. As a Mt St Michael’s community, we are humbled by the generous support and commitment of our local businesses and suppliers, so we feel that it is timely in our current climate for our MSM community to support those who support us.   Further details about how you can get involved is included in this newsletter.   
Our College Theme for 2020 "Mission Possible - Sisters on a Mission” which was launched by the Year 12s in February continues to be our inspiration for this term.  Let’s make the most of every opportunity that is presented to us.

Finally, I would warmly like to invite everyone to participate in our virtual Mary Aikenhead Day Liturgy next Friday 31 July commencing at 8.50 am. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for further details.

In faith and love

Sharon Volp

Mt St Michael’s College invites our community to advertise in our online MSM Business Directory, an ideal way for businesses to promote their services, sales and special offers to a very captive and motivated audience, with funds from the directory used for various college initiatives.
The standard listing fee is $165 including gst.

However, for the remainder of 2020, we offer a listing at the reduced rate of only $77 including gst. Be quick as this offer expires 31 July 2020*
To apply please email:
*Please allow 7 working days after we receive your copy and logo for your listing to appear on the MSM Business Directory.

Hitting the ground running with the MSM Cross Country Carnival

Week 1 of Term 3 started with 80 of our finest runners emerged on Dorrington Park to compete for a place in our MSM Cross country team. It was amazing to have MSM students competing again - with a positive and hopeful vibe in the cold air - after such a challenging term 2. All girls rose to the occasion and outstanding performances were achieved. 
Congratulations to all our age champions for 2020 Cross country. 
Congratulations to Rush house, who achieved the highest number of house points after the event yesterday and who are our Cross Country interhouse Champions for 2020.

Bugs for lunch anyone?!?

The Year 11 Food and Nutrition class had an interesting start to the semester with a visit from Grilo Protein (Grilo means cricket in Portuguese). The students are exploring different ways to fulfill future consumer protein requirements and entomophagy, or the use of insects as a food source. While the girls were hesitant to try the whole cricket they were quite accepting of the banana, oat, chocolate and cricket powder biscuits. Chocolate always wins!

Japanese students celebrate Tanabata - Star Festival

Over the past week, Japanese students celebrated Tanabata or Star Festival by writing their wishes on small, colourful strips of paper (tanzaku) and hanging them on the branches of our classroom tree. We listened to the story of Orihime, the weaver star and patron of silk farming and Hikoboshi, the cowherd star. Their wish was to meet once a year in the Milky Way on July 7. We hope that our wishes on the tree come true!

Happening in our Classrooms

Year 7 Maths learning about composite shapes
Year 8 HPE perfecting their Basketball techniques
Year 11 English are currently studying Sonya Hartnett’s novel, Of a Boy focusing on themes, characters and the writer’s approach. 
Year 9 Drama are developing their skills with their current Drama unit Commedia dell'arte
Our Year 7 students are becoming life long learners with the Learning to Learn Subject.
The Year 12 Dance class are in full preparation for their Term 3 Assessments

Get Connected with the MSM Library

Hannah Schmidt flies solo

Hannah Schmidt from Year 10 flew solo at the age of 15 years last week, earlier than she can legally learn to drive. She is very proud of her achievement.


Congratulations to Grace Wyborn (Alumni 2018) who recently completed a Diploma in Nursing and is now an Enrolled Nurse. Grace is testament to the Alternate Pathways on offer at the College.

Upcoming College Events and Activities

Mission Week - 27 to 31 July
and Mary Aikenhead Day 31 July

This time next week we will be in the midst of Catholic Education Week. In communion with all other Catholic schools in Queensland, we will be celebrating 175 years of Catholic education in our state. The theme for this year is ‘A Spirited Tomorrow’, articulating the concept that we look towards the future with excitement and anticipation of what is to come for our journey ahead, trusting in God's Spirit who walks with us and guides our way.

In our College, during next week particularly, we will celebrate the vision of what Catholic Education in Queensland can mean for the future. In Queensland, there are more than 310 Catholic schools, 20 000 staff and 149 000 students across five Dioceses. We recognise that each one of us has a place in shaping the future of Catholic Education.

The culmination of Catholic Education Week for us is next Friday, Mary Aikenhead Day, when we celebrate the life of Mary Aikenhead, the foundress of the Sisters of Charity. As a community, we will reflect on her life and the example that she continues to set for all in our community today.

Our plans will look a good deal different this year, due to social distancing restrictions still being in place, and will include:
  • A virtual liturgy, 8:50am-9:15am, live streamed to all Home Rooms.
  • In the second half of Period 1, all Home Rooms will view the video clip outlining the work that House Captains have co-ordinated with all year groups over the first two weeks of this term. These house activities will be assessed by a panel of teacher judges. 
  • At morning tea, there will be commemorative house cookies in house colours. Individually wrapped and containing a reflection from Mary Aikenhead, these have been made by a parent at the College. (who is an amazing cakemaker!) These are available for all students and staff. 
  • The remainder of the day will be normal lessons from Period 2-Period 6.
We thank the House Captains and the Student Leadership Team in advance for their work in the organisation of Mary Aikenhead Day.

Artwork: Mary Aikenhead - Legacy gift from 1999 Alumni Cohort


2020 Term Dates

Term 3
Tuesday 14 July 2020 – Friday 18 September 2020
Term 4
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 20 November 2020 (Year 12 students)
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 27 November 2020 (Years 7 - 11)

Supporting our Community -
Ministry Care Programme

Our College is aware that there are students and families within our community who, from time to time, are in need of support due to a variety of factors. As a community we respond through preparing meals for families experiencing difficult circumstances. If you would like to contribute to the Ministry Care Programme and support those who are going through difficult times, please contact Stephen Campion:

Cashless Payments at The Kaf

During the holiday period there has been a change in the software used to make purchases at The Kaf. This has temporarily resulted in students not being able to use their ID card to make over the counter purchases. Families will still be able to pre-order using the Flexischools app (which is the preferred method of ordering). Students will be able to use their credit and debit cards over the counter as per normal.  Cash is still not accepted. 

We hope to get the ID cards working in the near future.

Toowong Parish's
'Women's Spirituality 2020'.

“St Ignatius Parish’s Annual Women’s Night of Spirituality. 
With great pleasure, we are offering a unique experience for our 14th Annual Women’s Night of Spirituality.
This year, you can view the event from Tuesday 28th July in the comfort of your own home by watching the YouTube recording which will be found on the St Ignatius Parish website on the day.
The evening will be hosted by our very own Robyn Emerson, who will unpack the stories of two exceptional women —
Sr Angela Mary Doyle RSM AO and Dr Sr Maeve Louise Heaney VDMF.”
For more information please contact:
Monica Florence on 3870 7818 or email
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules.
This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
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Mt St Michael's College - MSM News

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