Message from the Principal

Last Friday we celebrated Mary Aikenhead Day. This is a special day for us to reflect on the life of Mary Aikenhead and express our gratitude to the Sisters of Charity for the amazing legacy that they have entrusted to us.  During our Liturgy I shared with the community some recent exchanges that I have been having with Sr Judith Clark, a Sister of Charity.  Sr Judith was a past student of MSM and was present at the College when on 27 July 1941 “Grantuly College” became Mt St Michael’s College.  Sr Judith has written a poem about life at “Grantuly” over the weekend and she has given me permission to share it with our community. (This may be found below.)

As part of our Mary Aikenhead Day Liturgy we acknowledged our staff who have provided dedicated service and care for our students for significant periods of time.  
I was honoured to announce and present the 10-year service awards to

  • Mrs Fiona James
  • Mrs Sandra Mannion
  • Mrs Emily McLaughlin.

Special congratulations to the following staff for their 20 years of service 

  • Mrs Catherine Atkins
  • Mr John Hamilton.

I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate Mrs Amelia Cameron on her nomination for a 2020 Spirit of Catholic Education Award. This award aims to recognise those who are making an outstanding contribution within their Catholic education community. From the nominees, a recipient will be announced towards the end of this term.

In faith and love

Sharon Volp

Visit the MSM Business Directory and help
support the businesses who support out College Community.

See below to advertise your business or service. 

Mary Aikenhead Day

Our plans for Mary Aikenhead Day 2020 were obviously radically different this year.

However, College Spirit was very much in evidence throughout the day and there was the usual special atmosphere around the College.
In terms of the organisation of the day, we had a virtual liturgy at the commencement of the day. This ran from 8:50am-9:15am and all of Year 12 were in attendance at the Sophia Centre to celebrate our faith community.

The liturgy was live streamed to all other Year Groups. 
Following the conclusion of our liturgy, all Home Rooms viewed a film of our House Spirit competition. The work in coordinating all House year groups had been completed by the SLT over the first two weeks of this term. 

With Mr Campion as compere,  judges (Ms Bow, Ms Page, Ms Cameron and Mr Cooper) were assiduous and focused on their work. They provided an objective, unbiased assessment of each set of performances. At the conclusion of deliberations, Aikenhead narrowly defeated Stewart and were crowned winners for 2020.
At morning tea, there were commemorative house cookies in house colours. These have been made by the talented 'Cake Heart', a parent at the College.

These were available for all students and staff and all contained a reflection from Mary Aikenhead.

I thank the House Captains and the SLT for their wonderful support in our planning for Mary Aikenhead Day 2020.
Life at "Grantuly"
A Poem by Sr Judith Clark, 2 August 2020 

“Grantuly” its name for many a day
T’was home to the Stewart’s, as history will say
Of this stately old home, made of cedar, we know
I could tell you a story about it, right now

This grand “old lady” with stable and all
Became “home” to the Sisters, a long time ago
They were teachers all trained….and ready to go
But where were the pupils? They would soon know

They set up a school right there in that home
Before long, older girls would chatter and roam
In the passing of time, a college it became
“Faith and Love” for sure….the “name of the game”

Another school followed…the Sisters saw the need
St Finbarr’s Parish School….the Parish Priest agreed
It meant the Sisters travelled to and fro each day
No matter…T’would give them extra time to pray….

Now I mentioned a stable a few minutes ago
The Sisters had a “buggy”!!  I’d like you to know
No cars in those days for those who were poor…
The “buggy” was fine…You should have seen it go!!!

Mr Mullard, for sure, was the driver each day
Looked after the buggy, made sure there was hay
He lived at “Grantuly”……he was part of the “team”
You might find this story…….a bit like a “dream”

“Daily Mass” for the Sisters was important, we know
The church was St. Finbarr’s….How would they go?
Mr Mullard was there…….with buggy at the door
One, two, three, four Sisters…..Are there any more?

Sisters on board…it was time to go
Mass at 6.30…..that was “morning” you know
Some called it “the dawn service” but never demurred
Faithful to Jesus……”DO THIS….”    They had heard.

After Mass…in their old buggy….The Sisters would be seen
I’m telling you, that it was quite ……… unusual scene
No one else used a ‘buggy’ those days, as we know
Cars were in fashion….trams on tramlines….all on the go

After breakfast was had….and community prayers said
And with School lessons prepared quite well ahead
To St. Finbarr’s they’d travel…as they turned in at the gate
For the welcome of children….they hardly could wait!!

After taking the Sisters to school for the day
The buggy came home……..Far from empty,  I’ d say
Little Kinders in green clambered on board
“What a change from the last passengers!”  I think I heard.

Where were they going,   I’ ll ask you right now
To “Grantuly” …Can you please tell me how???
They look so excited and they’re rearing to go!!!
There’s a Kindergarten School at “Grantuly” you know….

Yes, right in the middle of the old cedar home
These four year olds frolicked and roamed
It is hard to believe… would furrow your “ brow”
“Cos, believe it or not…it is where the OFFICE is now!!!

So this stately “old lady” has seen a few centuries appear
Has been “home” to the Sisters of Charity,  valued so dear
Has been College to students….who worked to excel
And little Kindy children who went on to do well.

So I tell you this story, right now,   right here
It is stamped in my memory….every picture so clear
“Grantuly” my Alma Mater, and ever it will be
Good to hear of it now…….and anytime… will see.

Music News

Congratulations to the following students for their successful completion of external Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) exams. Great work all.
Genevieve Bond 10A, AMEB Grade 2 Classical Guitar, A+
Emily Welch 10E, AMEB Singing for Leisure, Grade 3, B
Isabelle Schmidt 10C, AMEB Singing for Leisure, Grade 3, A+
Kiara Mason 9C, AMEB Grade 3 Piano for Leisure, B+

Year 7 Retreat

Our Year 7 students absolutely loved their first experience of an MSM retreat, led by Project Hatch. They played games, sung together, and reflected on their emerging identity as an MSM student; young women of commitment, confidence, compassion, conscience and competence.

Year 7 Elective Immersion Days

Year 7 had a great experience with their elective immersion days. Whilst half the cohort was on retreat the other half got a taster day of the elective they missed whilst Learning at Home. A big thank you to the elective teachers who made this possible. 

Year 11 Visual Arts in Practice - Lighten Up

The Year 11 Visual Arts in Practice students have completed their FIA 3 Products for the Lighten Up module. This task required the students to create a lighting option for an interior space using repurposed and sustainable materials. The girls demonstrated their ability to transform and manipulate the materials into new forms to create stylish and bespoke products. Each student produced an effective lighten fixture that complimented the interior space and reflected their individualised concept.

QAMT Year 7/8 Maths Quiz 2020

Congratulations to the seven teams who represented Mt St Michael’s College in Round 1 QAMT 7/8 Maths Quiz 2020.

We were able to host this competition on campus under the strict rules and questions for all teams in Queensland and
this enabled many of our Mathletes to compete.

Team 1: Bridget Locke, Esther Hockey, Eloise Burger
Team 2: Elizabeth Marschke, Iris Brickwood, Rosie Patterson
Team 3: Audrey Dearling, Sophia Wickremasinghe , Anika Mulholland
Team 4: Madelyne Ting, Molly Jones, Charlotte De Zilva 
Team 5: Audrey Dowling, Camille McConnell, Lillian Cotter
Team 6: Alyssa Stephens, Anabelle Cross, Jessica Teague, and
Team 7: Jessie McHugh, Stella Valente, Jessica Draper. 

Team 5 and Team 2 placed 1st and 2nd for MSM respectively and their scores will be forwarded on to QAMT for Round 2 consideration.

Thank you to Adam Walker, Caitlin Rovere and Janelle O’Neill for running this extension program competition for our students.

Year 9 students dance to a West African beat

On 30 July, the Year 9 Dance students were fortunate to learn a West African dance style,  Djole  from Guest Artist Yayoi from ‘Rhythm Culture’. The girls had a fantastic time and were thoroughly exhausted by the end of the session.

Future Problem Solving Teams - Qualifying Lock Up Thursday 6 August

As part of the Future Problem Solving program, three Mt St Michael’s Future Problem Solving teams undertook the 2 ½ hour Global Issues Problem Solving Qualifying Lock Up.  Using their research on the topic of Gamification, the girls used  the 6-step creative problem solving process to analyse a one-page future scene, which describes a situation which looks at the topic of Gamification. Should the teams’ booklets be amongst the top scoring teams across Australia they will receive an invitation to participate in the Australian National Final, which is to be held in October.   

MSM in The Catholic Leader

Did you see MSM featured in The Catholic Leader? During Catholic Education Week, we are reminded that our College is one in our much wider (and very diverse) community of more than 300 Catholic schools across our vast state. 
To view our page click here
To view the full Catholic Leader ePublication click here

Year 10 Italian Budding Young Author

Jennifer Tsiros in Year 10 has been studying Italian through the Cairns School of Distance Education since the beginning of this year.

We are very proud to hear that Jennifer’s recent Italian biography was recently published in the Australian-Italian newspaper La Fiamma  This Italian-language newspaper has been serving the Italian-Australian community for over 70 years. 

Jennifer has shown great commitment to her language studies as well as demonstrating flexibility with her lesson and study times across all her other classes here at the College.

Happening in our Classrooms

Year 9 Junior Scientists were learning about the Human Nervous System and Brain.
Year 10 Students received their Principal's Awards for their outstanding commitment to academic study
The Year 10 & 12 English students had a visit from the Shake & Stir theatre company. With performances of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.
In Year 9 Religious Education, students are investigating the ways in which the Church responded to cultural, political, social and economic change in the 18th and 19th Centuries. One inquiry they have conducted is into the ways in which the Papacy reaffirmed its authority in the midst of challenge. 9D and Mrs Mulligan created these origami mitres to record their understanding of terms and concepts such as papal infallibility, ex cathedra and dogma.

Honesty in action

Thank you to the students who handed in items to the College Lost Property
  • Bella Tapsall
  • Sophie Webster
  • Chiara Carracedo
  • Sophie Garvey
Hear from our 2020 Captains, as they explain SMART Goals that will help their fellow students study.


Last year, Year 12 student Natalya Alexiou - who previously danced with Ballet Theatre Queensland and participated in Queensland Ballet’s Summer School - hung up her pointe shoes. She auditioned for the Australasian Dance Collective, one of Australia’s premier contemporary dance companies. 

As one of only 30 dancers selected to join their 2020 Youth Ensemble, Natalya will perform in a compelling work titled ‘Echo’ from Youth Ensemble Director, Riannon McLean, and local independent dancer and choreographer, Michael Smith. ‘Echo’ will also feature three-minute solo films produced and directed by the Youth Ensemble members. 

‘Echo’ will be performed at The Cremorne Theatre, QPAC from 28 – 29 August. 
Tickets are available at

Get Connected with the MSM Library

Connect to Changes in APA
Referencing 7th Edition

Earlier this year, the Library highlighted the importance of referencing in the assessment
process, and how students can access help and support for this vital task. We also shared
that in Semester 2 2020, MSM would be adopting changes made by the American
Psychological Association in the 7th Edition of the APA Publication manual.

Click here to read more


2020 Term Dates

Term 3
Tuesday 14 July 2020 – Friday 18 September 2020
Term 4
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 20 November 2020 (Year 12 students)
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 27 November 2020 (Years 7 - 11)

P&F Association Zoom Meeting

Monday 10 August - 6pm
For access to the Zoom link please contact Mrs Fernandez via the email address below
Mt St Michael’s College invites our community to advertise in our online MSM Business Directory, an ideal way for businesses to promote their services, sales and special offers to a very captive and motivated audience, with funds from the directory used for various college initiatives.
The standard listing fee is $165 including gst.

However, for the remainder of 2020, we offer a listing at the reduced rate of only $77 including gst. Be quick as this offer expires shortly*
To apply please email:
*Please allow 7 working days after we receive your copy and logo for your listing to appear on the MSM Business Directory.

Supporting our Community -
Ministry Care Programme

Our College is aware that there are students and families within our community who, from time to time, are in need of support due to a variety of factors. As a community we respond through preparing meals for families experiencing difficult circumstances. If you would like to contribute to the Ministry Care Programme and support those who are going through difficult times, please contact Stephen Campion:

Cashless Payments at The Kaf

During the holiday period there has been a change in the software used to make purchases at The Kaf. This has temporarily resulted in students not being able to use their ID card to make over the counter purchases. Families will still be able to pre-order using the Flexischools app (which is the preferred method of ordering). Students will be able to use their credit and debit cards over the counter as per normal.  Cash is still not accepted. 

We hope to get the ID cards working in the near future.
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules.
This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
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Mt St Michael's College - MSM News

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