Edition 6 - 24 April 2020 - Term 2

Remembering the ANZACS

ANZAC Day is an important event for us to make special efforts to remember those fallen in war and those who have returned. It also affords us the chance to reflect on the issues surrounding international conflict and war in our times.

In these COVID19 times, we were obviously unable to gather as a community of students and staff.

As with our Easter Liturgy, an online version of our ANZAC Liturgy was distributed by Home Room teachers to all students and our students were encouraged to read and reflect on the prayers and gospel reading selected.

In our virtual liturgy, we gathered to pay respect to the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who gave their lives to defend our countries. ANZAC Day exists not to glorify war, but to remember and honour the sacrifice of those brave individuals who fought to keep our land free from tyranny and oppression.

We paid homage to all those who have suffered or paid the ultimate sacrifice for their service of others. This was all done in the context of our own religious tradition during the Easter Season, as we give thanks for the gift of Jesus who set out the ultimate example of servant leadership.

As a community, we always participate with huge numbers of staff and students in the annual Ashgrove Commemorative Service this year. We were particularly saddened that this local ceremony for ANZAC Day organised by the Ashgrove RSL Sub-branch could not proceed.

The Sisters of Charity are no Strangers to Living through a Pandemic

From the Archives: The Australian followers of Mary Aikenhead are no strangers to living through a pandemic. Follow this link to read about the courageous work of the Sisters of Charity during the Spanish Flu of 1919.
Read more via The Sisters of Charity website

Year 7 Visual Art Self-Portraits

Year 7 Visual Art students have completed their colourful self-portrait paintings as part of the elective rotation. 
This project required the students to stylise their self-portraits using wire and then transferring ideas from their wire sculptures onto canvas using acrylic paints and posca markers.
Using monochromatic colours, students examined the relationship between warm and cool colours with an irregular and regular pattern. 

MSM Team on Strava

MSM students and staff have remained in contact and participating in virtual running training for fitness and for general wellbeing through the MSM Cross Country “Team” on Strava since the end of Term 1. Throughout this difficult period of time, we have been able to share in goals, successes and connect through exercise in a virtual world, encouraging friends and supporting each other online. This is a closed group and is available to students and staff from all levels of fitness. It provides an opportunity to stay connected and check in with each other, post photos of your adventures and enjoy the successes of our group together. It also allows those seeking competition the opportunity to pit themselves against the might of Ms Lennon who is currently and very firmly sitting on the top of our leaderboard! Walkers are also encouraged to be involved. 

If you want to be involved please sign up to Strava and then search the “MSM Cross Country” Club through the app. Entry into the club requires approval by Mrs Roy so please use your correct name for accurate identification purposes if you are keen to join! Any questions please refer to me.

Thanks team, I look forward to seeing you all online soon.

Mrs Kay Roy
Director of Sports

Visit the Strava website: https://www.strava.com/

College Events and Activities

2020 Term Dates

Term 2
Tuesday 21 April 2020 – Friday 19 June 2020
Term 3
Tuesday 14 July 2020 – Friday 18 September 2020
Term 4
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 20 November 2020 (Year 12 students)
Tuesday 6 October 2020 – Friday 27 November 2020 (Years 7 - 11)


For the first five weeks in Term 2, the following will be closed:
  • The Kaf
  • The Uniform Shop - Due to COVID-19, the Uniform Shop will remain closed and will look to re-open again prior to “normal” classes resuming for families to purchase any winter uniform requirements. 
  • The Secondhand Uniform Shop

Supporting our Community
Ministry Care Programme

Our College is aware that there are students and families within our community who, from time to time, are in need of support due to a variety of factors. As a community we respond through preparing meals for families experiencing difficult circumstances. If you would like to contribute to the Ministry Care Programme and support those who are going through difficult times, please contact Stephen Campion: scampion@msm.qld.edu.au

Important Links

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Mt St Michael's College - MSM News

Our mailing address is:
Mt St Michael's College
67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060
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For the latest and archived copies of the Spirit 
Click here