Wednesday 26 March is National Sorry Day, a day of remembrance and commemoration held to highlight the impact of past policies of forcible removal on the Stolen Generations, their families, and their communities. The first National Sorry Day was held on 26 May 1998, one year after the ‘Bringing Them Home’ report was tabled in Parliament. The ‘Bringing Them Home’ is the final report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families and was conducted by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (now called the Australian Human Rights Commission) between 1995 and 1997.

National Sorry Day is of particular significance to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. The day is an opportunity for all Australians to remember past mistakes and build stronger bridges for a richer, stronger future together. Mt St Michael’s has been invited to attend the National Sorry Day Ceremony at Teralba Park, Everton Park and will be represented by the Student Leadership Team and members of the Student Executive of our CAN groups.

In the coming weeks we join in celebrating and commemorating some other very significant dates:
  • 26 May 4th Anniversary of the Uluru Statement from the Heart
  • 27 May 1967 Referendum
  • 27 May - 3 June National Reconciliation Week (NRW)
  • 3 June Mabo Day.
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.  Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action’, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.

Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

I invite you during the coming weeks to spend a moment reflecting on our own individual roles in supporting reconciliation at our newly created “Peace and Reconciliation Garden” located at the entrance of the College near Grantuly.
Year 12 Charity Ball

Our Year 12 students and their guests had an enjoyable evening at the Charity Ball which was held on Saturday 8 May at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.  It was wonderful to have Year 12 Parents present for pre-dinner drinks and a photo opportunity. Thank you to the students for their donations of $2,720 towards Downs and West Community Support.  Thank you to Ms Lennon (Year 12 Pastoral Leader) and the Year 12 Homeroom Teachers for their efforts in preparing for this special occasion.
Activities around MSM this week

Our co-curricular life has been showcased in many ways this week. Last weekend the Cross-Country team had a fantastic camp experience at Marantha, Yandina. I invite you to read more about this camp in the article included in the newsletter. Thanks to Ms Roy and Ms Page and our athletics coaches for organising this fantastic experience.  We wish our team all the best for next Friday at the CaSSSA Cross Country Carnival.

This weekend the Writers’ Club are off to their camp.  We wish them a wonderfully creative weekend. Thanks to Ms Bentley for her organisation and to the staff who are assisting with supervision.

The Arts Department have had a very busy week.  Thank you to Ms Townsley for organising a delightful evening of musical entertainment at the Music Soiree on Tuesday night.  Thank you to our amazing students for sharing their talents. The Dance Showcase was another dazzling spectacle by our dance students. Thank you to Ms Paterson and Ms Humbler for organising this event. Thank you to Ms Statham for her assistance with the events and the various staff who have supported in so many ways to make the events such a success.
In faith and love,

Sharon Volp
This week we launched 'MSM Experience' to our MSM community. We are so proud of our College. Enjoy this video bringing to life our vibrant campus. Hear from our College Principal, Ms Sharon Volp, our students and our Alumni and discover how we embrace our vision for the MSM graduate.

College Fees Raffle
“Win 1 Term’s fees or
a $1500 shopping card”. 

A great prize up for grabs!  With limited number of tickets, the chances are in your favour. Raffle closes Tuesday 15 June. Purchase your tickets today!

*Terms and conditions apply 

Thank you for helping youth currently experiencing homelessness

Year 10 student, Charlotte and her friends Emily and Skye scampered around the MSM campus in record time collecting all of the items that our community has donated for the Lord Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council (LMYAC) appeal for youth homelessness. 

Thank you to all those staff and students who supported Charlotte’s work with the LMYAC. 
Year 10 Visual Art
Year 10 Visual Arts students have completed their Making Task for the Figure within a Context unit. The task required the students to plan, design and render a painting that conveyed the ambiguities at the heart of the human experience. These compositions may suggest a narrative through signs and symbols but remain implicit through what they choose to disclose visually to the viewer. Well done, girls! 
Artwork by Sienna - Year 10
Artwork by Eliza - Year 10
Artwork by Scarlett - Year 10
Artwork by Grace - Year 10
Artwork by Katherine - Year 10
Artwork by Eleanor - Year 10
Year 8 Geography took in the flora and fauna of Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre

Year 8 students journeyed to the Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre in Everton Hills to investigate Landforms and Landscapes as part of their Term 2 Geography unit. On Wednesday, students arrived just in time for a surprise downpour, but the girls showed tremendous resilience and fortitude as they trekked through the park in their wet weather gear to collect data on the flora and fauna, and learn about issues of erosion, deposition, weeds, and human recreation. Fortunately, Thursday dawned bright and sunny, and students were able to collect lots of data and participate in all planned activities. The teacher educators at the park were knowledgeable and wonderful as always and we came away with a new understanding of some of the challenges of park management in an urban area and an appreciation of the complexity and beauty of the Brisbane riverine landscape. 
Action packed 2021 Cross Country Camp!
In their preparation for the CaSSSA Cup Carnival, the MSM Cross Country Team went to Maranatha, Yandina to participate in team building activities. Students conquered the tower of tremble, a mid-ropes course, the giant swing, the leap of faith and enjoyed some yoga. A highlight of the camp was a dance battle where the activity groups battled it out with Group 1 (Years 7, 8 and 12) outshining Group 2 (years 9, 10, 11) to take the win. The camp culminated with team members running up Wild horse Mountain to determine the ‘Queens of the Mountain’ and reaping in the spectacular views of the Glasshouse mountains and the surrounding area. Congratulations to the winners of each age category, Eloise (Seniors), Imogen (Intermediate) and Caitlin (Juniors). 

Cross Country Captain Lexie said, “It was great to see all of the girls giving their best and stepping outside of their comfort zones for the greater good of the team”. 

We wish our MSM Cross Country team all the very best for the CaSSSA Cup Carnival next Friday at Limestone Park where we will see the results of this season’s hardwork, dedication and mental strength cumulate. Go MSM 💛
Queensland Catholic Cup Netball
Both on and off the court, our MSM QC Netball teams made us proud! Our Open A team, competing in the Open A division, came 6th out of 16 teams. Well done, girls! Special mention to our Junior A team who competed up an entire age group in the Intermediate A division and did amazingly well. Congratulations to all players on your outstanding teamwork and hard work before and during the competition.
MSM is hitting the red circle carpet with the TED-Ed Club

The TED-Ed Club offers students in Years 8 and 9 a hands-on opportunity to work on vital storytelling and communication skills. Students come together to discuss, research, present and celebrate creative ideas. Working with the College’s Film and Multimedia Club, students have their TED talks filmed and uploaded to the Student Talks channel on YouTube (TED-Ed Student Talks - YouTube )to have the opportunity to become influencers for a better world. 

In this first ‘Discover’ phase, students are exploring topics that excite them, that in some way define them, or about which they care deeply. They are doing this by engaging with other students’ contributions on the TED-Ed Student Talks. The next step is to identify their own ideas and explore their topics more deeply in order to prepare for their own talks. Great work, girls!

2021 Dance Showcase

The MSM Dance Showcase, held last night, welcomed Year 7-12 Dance and Co-Curricular Dance students to the stage, performing before a live audience. Dance students at MSM are exceptionally talented, making it a pleasure to see them perform and excel in a variety of genres, and styles, of dance. A selection of the dance works were performance tasks, challenging students to learn and demonstrate specific styles of dance. Other dance works were choreographic tasks, created by students to communicate a particular intent to the audience. It was a fantastic event, and we look forward to the next Showcase in Term 3. Keep an eye out on our College Facebook and Instagram pages over the weekend for more photos of the Dance Showcase.
Term 3 Sport Season Registrations
NOW OPEN and Inter-House Athletics Carnival

With the new four term CaSSSA sporting structure introduced this year, we have to be prepared early in order to nominate and trial our teams in preparation for the start of the Term 3 CASSSA season.  So while everyone is busy competing and training for the Term 2 sports currently, consideration should now be given to the Term 3 opportunities.  Nominations will be open via parent lounge this week for the Term 3 season and they will close on Friday 28th May, in two weeks time.  It is important that if you want to participate in any of the Term 3 CaSSSA sports that you complete the registration through parent lounge within this time frame as we are not able to consider late nominations for CaSSSA sports.  There will be social/non-competitive options available as well in Term 3, and these will be available in the coming weeks to register for.  For now though, the CaSSSA Term 3 sports which will be open for registration are: Junior and Senior basketball (for students in Years 7, 8, 11 and 12 only), Intermediate and Senior touch football (for students in Years 9-12 only) and soccer for all year levels.  Please remember that the CaSSSA sports are competitive options and training and games will be part of the required commitment.  Trials for registered students will be held later this term and these details will be available for registered students.

The MSM Inter House Athletics Carnival will be held during the last week of this term.  In order to organise the event, students who would like to participate in the competitive events will be required to complete a nomination form online.  The details of these events and the nomination process will be emailed out in Week 6  by Mrs Roy, so please keep your eyes out for an email.  There will be non-competitive participation events at the carnival also, which will allow students to be involved and earn house points.  We will have traditional ball games available for participation points this year, you will not have to nominate to participate in the ball games, you can just participate on the day.  For all track and field events though, nominations will be required. 

If anyone has any questions about the Term 3 CaSSSA season or the Athletics Carnival please speak to Mrs Roy or Miss Page in the sports office, they are always happy to help!  Also keep your eyes out for the emails about both of these registration processes and speak to your parents to sign you up for the CaSSSA Term 3 season. There will also be information coming soon regarding the Term 3 social/non-competitive sporting options and how to register for those.
National Library & Information Services Week & MSM READS

School libraries and information services are places of adventure and our own MSM Library offers just this. Students who connect with our Library take a journey, whether it's in search of specific information, serendipitous browsing through vast collections, or coming together with others to learn something new. So, next week, to coincide with National Library & Information Week, MSM students will connect with our library, and enjoy an adventure - in space and time!

On Tuesday, 25 May students will partake in MSM READS, providing them with a crucial opportunity for mindfulness — the ability to be in the present moment, through reading a novel of their own choice for an extended and uninterrupted period of time. Each Home Room from Years 7 – 10 is also being invited to complete our MSM READS acrostic poetry challenge, with the winning Home Room receiving a prize that can be shared among the class. Two keen readers from each Home Room will also be invited to come to the library during MSM READS time for some special treats. 

Happy reading!

IT Girl Awards - Congratulations to our Winners
MSM College Community Groups - Term 2 Meetings
Parents and Friends Association

Monday 10 May - 6pm
Monday 7 June - 6pm

For more information about the
MSM Parents and Friends Association,
please click here 

Follow the P&F on Facebook
Alumni Association

Monday 24 May - 6pm
Monday 14 June - 6pm

For more information about
MSM Alumni Association,
please click here 

Follow our Alumni on Facebook
Alumni News
Let us know your exciting Alumni News!

We welcome your exciting news, including career achievements, awards and congratulations (engagement, marriage, baby and other), for inclusion in our regular newsletter, “Fide et Amore”. Email us at
Applications for the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme

Applications for the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme are now open and must be submitted by 31 May, 2021. Visit

Supporting our Community -
Ministry Care Programme

Our College is aware that there are students and families within our community who, from time to time, are in need of support due to a variety of factors. As a community, we respond through preparing meals for families experiencing difficult circumstances. If you would like to contribute to the Ministry Care Programme and support those who are going through difficult times, please contact Stephen Campion:
Now available on the College APP!
Mt St Michael’s College is pleased to bring to you the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our website and APP, this online portal, profiles businesses and provides opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote your services, sales and special offers. 

Many business owners profiled in the MSM Business Directory are long-term friends of the College. They include current and past parents, local businesses and alumni who, together show a commitment to Mt St Michael’s College and support for MSM events, fundraisers and initiatives. 

If you would like to be included in the online MSM Business Directory, simply email

For more information please click here
2021 Term Dates
Term 1
Wednesday 27 January -
Thursday 1 April (concluding at 3:05 pm)

Term 2
Tuesday 20 April -
Friday 18 June (concluding at 12:30 pm)
Term 3
Tuesday 13 July -
Friday 17 September (concluding at 3:05 pm)

Term 4
Tuesday 5 October -
Friday 19 November
(Year 12 students)

Tuesday 5 October to Friday 26 November
(Years 7-11)  (concluding at 12:30 pm)

Mt St Michael's College Merchandise

Available at the Secondhand Uniform shop
Fabric Tote Bag with words $12
Handtowel $5
Both items for only $15 (save $2)

Fabric Tote Bag also available at The Kaf
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules. This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
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Mt St Michael's College - MSM News

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67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060
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