I hope that everyone enjoyed the short “EKKA break” last week. It presented a welcome “circuit breaker” especially for the Year 12 students who had an extremely busy time prior to the break completing assessment items. They are now preparing for their Mock exams, the next stage in the preparation for their external exams. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Year 12 students during this time. 

Orientation Morning

Last Thursday we welcomed the Year 7 2023 students for their Orientation morning. It was the first time since 2019 that we were able to welcome students and their parents/caregivers to the College on-site. Thank you to our College Captains, Georgina and Eden, and Year 7 students, Zel and Tilly, who addressed the audience regarding life at MSM from a student perspective. A special “thank you” to the Year 7 and 8 Choir who performed so beautifully for our guests. It was a wonderful morning that was well received by the families.  

Queensland Catholic Schools and Colleges Musical Festival

It was fantastic to see the return of live performances for the Queensland Catholic Schools and Colleges Musical Festival at Villanova College on 11-14 August. I was privileged to attend on Sunday 14 August and be in the audience for the Year 7 and 8 Choir, the College Choir and the Concert Band. The adjudicators of the 7-8 Choir in their comments at the end of our section commented on the “vacuum of opportunities in recent years” for singers to perform live. Our choirs certainly made the most of this opportunity and really connected with the audience. I thoroughly enjoyed the energetic performance by our Concert Band. I am so proud of our 126 students who participated in the five sections and congratulate them on their wonderful results. 

  • Guitar Ensemble GE1A – Gold
  • String Ensemble SB1B – Gold
  • Year 7 and 8 Choir CH1B – Gold
  • College Choir CH1B – Sliver 
  • Concert Band CB1B – Bronze.

Thank you to Ms Townsley and our music staff who work so hard to provide our students with this opportunity. We look forward to seeing more of our students perform at our upcoming Spirit of the Arts Festival on 31 August.

CaSSSA Athletics

On Monday our MSM Athletics team competed in the CaSSSA Athletics Carnival. We were blessed with glorious weather and were grateful that the carnival was able to run in its “normal” program for the first time in three years. Our team gave 150% and were extremely competitive, with the final outcome depending on the relays. We convincingly won the Percentage Cup and came third in the Aggregate Cup (by the narrowest of margins). We came second in the field events and third in the track events. The All Age Relay was an extremely exciting event with MSM coming second.

The results for each age group were as follows:

  • 12 years – Champions
  • 13 years – 3rd 
  • 14 years – Champions 
  • 15 years – 3rd 
  • 16 years – 3rd 
  • 19 years – 2nd.

Congratulations to our students who broke CaSSSA records:

  • Zelmarie (12 years) 1500m time: 5:21.51 (old record: 5:42.22) 
  • Laura (12 years) 1500m time: 5:24.58 also broke the old CaSSSA record 
  • Claudia (19 years) Javelin distance: 43.96m (old record: 41.92m).

Congratulations to our athletics team! We are so proud of you and your achievements. Thank you to Ms Roy and our coaches for their support throughout the athletics season.  

In faith and love

Sharon Volp

Dr Justin Coulson - Parenting Session 'Miss-connection'
Tuesday 23 August 2022
Mt St Michael's College

This event is free for all MSM parents and caregivers and bookings are essential.
Click here to reserve your seats.
Spirit Of The Arts Festival - Elpis
We look forward to celebrating the 2022 Spirit of the Arts Festival: Elpis on Wednesday 31 August from 5 – 8pm. Witness the most awe-inspiring line-up of art installations, dance routines, dramatic actions, and musical performances complemented by the warm delights of visiting food trucks and refreshment vendors. All welcome. Free entry.

Click here for more information
2022 College Leadership Team

Our EKKA public holiday gave a wonderful mid-week reprieve last week. It was a lovely Brisbane winter day, which I am sure we all appreciated. Our teachers participated in two days of professional development, sharing knowledge and expertise on the theme 'Engineering critical and creative thinking.' While students were at home, they took advantage of the opportunity to not only spend a day at the EKKA, but also to focus on studies.

We are also in the middle of the term, with drafts and final assessments due across subjects and year levels. During this time, we also find that students can procrastinate and lose focus and direction in their study routines. Our teachers and pastoral teams are dedicated to keeping our students focused in a safe and nurturing environment with high levels of support both at the College and in collaboration with families. It is also critical that students prioritise attending school over having days off at home to complete assessments. These behaviours impede learning because catching up for missed lessons can add to the pressures of continuous learning and assessment preparation.

A recent insight from Parenting Ideas provided three changes parents make to survive their kids’ adolescence. Whilst reading this insight I can see that we work in partnership with families in the following areas.

1. Increased coaching: As parents, we like to maintain control over many parts of our teenagers' lives, but they need to learn to manage their own. The authors of ‘The self-driven child,’ psychologists William Stixrud and Ned Johnson, believe that children should be more involved in decision-making, and they advise parents to gradually involve teenagers in governing their own behaviour, while parents and schools continue to provide emotional support.

2. Influence teenagers differently: Teenagers are hypersensitive to status and the way adults regard them. We need to approach them as autonomous young adults, as they are more likely to listen when we speak to the high-status area of their brain. This has been a vital part of our current subject selection, SET Plan, and post-schooling interviews process. The collaboration between families and the school is excellent, and we certainly allow our students to be extremely involved in their interests and career decisions. I would like to extend my gratitude to Ms Sally Crothers, Ms Jo Howe and Ms Anna Webb who have spent many hours with families during this important decision-making time.

3. Have hard chats: Many conversations we have with teenagers can be challenging. Avoidance can lead to the easiest option, but this is not helpful. Teenagers are dealing with difficult issues. Again, and in partnership, we continually create safe opportunities to talk about the hard issues. We know that teenagers have very different needs. Our Positive Education program and effective classroom pedagogies to personalise learning in educating young women, meet the developmental and emotional needs of varying stages of growing up.

Our approaching parenting session with Dr Justin Coulson, the founder of happyfamilies.com.au, and the theme ‘miss-connection,’ at 6pm Tuesday 23 August, is an exciting opportunity for our MSM parents. Bookings are still open via Trybooking until 9pm Sunday.

As a school under the Stewardship of Mary Aikenhead Ministries, it truly is the animation of community and the extension of our values Hope, Justice, Love and Compassion to each and every student under our care.

Parent Voice

The concept of Student Voice has been actively promoted in recent years and with good reason, our young people have so much to say and need the opportunity to develop their skills in advocacy. Another voice that is just as important to the Mt St Michael’s College community is that of our Parent Voice. To this end, I would like to invite you to complete the Catholic School Parents Australia survey.

Since inception in 2013, Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) has been seeking from the Australian government recognition as one of the national, peak parent bodies. Whilst this recognition was in many ways accepted by the government, CSPA had not been in receipt of the same funding as that received by other national parent bodies. However, late in 2021, the government advised CSPA would receive funding to enable them to work with the government in various ways.

The Australian government has asked CSPA to enter into an agreement to inform them of existing and emerging issues that are of concern to Catholic school families, especially those issues that impact their children’s health, wellbeing and/or learning. In particular, they are keen to hear the perspectives of parents and carers. As a result, CSPA, in partnership with the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY), have developed a parent survey which will be the key instrument for evidence gathering.

The CSPA 2022 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning is now live through until Wednesday 31 August 2022. 

The survey may be accessed via the CSPA Engage website. Please click on this link to have your Parent Voice heard!

Tote Bags

Thank you to the students who have dragged out and dusted off their school bags in the spirit of ensuring belongings are secured and protected. I would ask any girls who have not yet done so to please attend to this immediately. Students are able to use the College Sports Bag if they prefer a smaller option to the College Backpack or Large Bag. I would also ask that girls with very worn Tote Bags replace them to ensure their items are not falling out the bottom or that shoulder straps are not fraying or broken. It is essential that students are using a College bag that has a secure closure and is weather proof. I understand the passion for the Tote, however it’s intended purpose and practicality only ever extended to use between classes. Thank you for your support in this matter and I look forward to seeing you all at the Dr Justin Coulson Parent Presentation.

Purchase the MSM College Bag from the MSM Uniform Shop and MSM Secondhand Uniform Shop.
Click the links below for more information
MSM Uniform Shop | MSM Secondhand Uniform Shop

The Feast of Mary MacKillop 

On August 8th, the Catholic Church marks the feast day of St Mary MacKillop, Australia’s first saint. Like our own Mary A, Mary MacKillop was a courageous woman of God whose care for the poor of her time moved her to do extraordinary things. In a time when poverty rates were high, Mary believed that education was a transformative social force and a right that should be enjoyed by all Australian children. 

Mary’s life and ministry was not without controversy. She was famously excommunicated in 1871 for insubordination, an act that was reversed a little over a year later. Undeterred, and with an unrelenting belief in God’s providence, Mary MacKillop continued her work, and the Sisters of St Joseph flourished in Australia, establishing dozens of schools that welcomed pupils of all backgrounds. Despite her challenges, she said, “we have much for which to be thankful.”

Prayer for Mary MacKillop
God of all pilgrim people, you raise up women and men to meet the needs of every age.
You revealed in Mary MacKillop a sensitivity to the rights and dignity of every person, 
Regardless of race or creed. 
May we, too, learn to overcome the obstacles of prejudice and fear.
Help us to value the goodness of each person and all of the blessings of unity in diversity. 

Mission Activities
Congratulations to our community for the wonderful efforts involved in completing the following fundraising activities over the last fortnight:
  • MSM’s Got Talent $873.10
  • Mary Aikenhead Day BBQ $334.70
  • Casual Dress Day $781.65
We also await the final total from this week’s Term 3 ExtravaCANza market day. Our five CAN groups displayed creativity and enterprise in developing their market stalls, all of which were food themed this term! Congratulations and thank you to all of the students involved for their generosity and hard work.

All funds raised this term will go to our Term 3 Mission project, supporting the Weemala Indigenous Education Unit at ACU
Now that we are past the halfway point for Term 3, all students should be starting to think about their end of term examinations. To help them prepare for these assessments, they should be creating a study schedule to allow them to revise continually to eliminate panic prior to examinations. 
To create a study schedule, the first thing that your daughter needs to do is ascertain exactly what examinations that she needs to prepare for. This information is all contained on her Assessment Calendar.

When creating her study schedule, your daughter needs to clearly identify when her examinations are occurring, what her dedicated study times will be as well as include all other commitments that will have an impact on her time. 

It is important to note that there is no “right” way to make a study schedule. Your daughter’s study schedule will need to be personalised based on the examinations that she needs to prepare for as well as the time she is able to devote to it. The following tips may assist your daughter to create a study schedule.

1: Evaluate your current schedule and time management – Use a calendar to identify all your upcoming commitments over the next four weeks. This needs to include when you will be doing your homework, co-curricular activities as well as family commitments. This will let you see how much of your time is already committed, and what time you have available for studying. If your current commitments leave you little room for studying, you may need to evaluate what you can cut back on for the next four weeks, or what you need to rearrange to have more open time for studying.

2: Develop a schedule – Now that you can identify what time you have for studying, you need to schedule your study sessions. Add your study sessions to your calendar like any other commitments. This ensures that you remember this is time set aside specifically for studying.

Use the assessment calendar and identify the subjects that you need to study for in the next four weeks. Plan out which subject you will study on which day, to ensure that you are devoting enough time to each subject. 

3: Remove distractions – You need to ensure that you can focus when studying. All distractions, particularly your mobile phone, should be removed from your environment prior to commencing on revision. Every time that you are distracted, you will need to re-engage with your revision which will have an impact on your study schedule.

4: Assess your weekly calendar - At the beginning of each week, identify what you need to study and what you plan to accomplish in the week. Are you completing the revision set by your teacher? You may need to adjust your study schedule as necessary to meet your weekly goals to get the most out of each study session.

5: Stick to your study schedule – A study schedule works best when it is followed consistently. You need to be realistic when creating your study schedule. You may have to adjust it each week, depending on what you accomplish. Remember, the most important thing is sticking to your schedule!

6: Maintain accountability - Some students find it helpful to study with another student, as it provides accountability, as well as opportunities for discussion and collaboration. When creating your study schedule, check with other classmates to determine if you can coordinate study sessions with them. However, if you tend to socialise more than study when you are around others, stick to an independent study schedule. If you do have a study partner, make sure it is someone with whom you are likely to stay on task. Alternatively, you may wish to give a copy of your study schedule to your parents so that they can assist you in your commitment to study for the next four weeks!

Year 11 2023 Subject Selection Processes
All our SET planning interviews have now been finalised and I thank Year 10 students and their families for their engagement in this process. Year 10 students will need to ensure that they have handed in their finalised Year 11 2023 subject preference form to Student Reception by Monday August 22. 

Year 9 & 10 2023 Subject Selection Processes
Year 8 and 9 students need to ensure that they have submitted their finalised subject preferences form for 2023. Completed subject preferences are to be handed in to Student Reception.

Year 8 2023 Subject Selection Processes
Year 7 students need to submit their finalised subject preferences form for 2023 by Monday August 22. Completed subject preferences are to be handed in to Homeroom teachers. In Year 8, students’ study two elective subjects across the year – one in each semester. For 2023, the Year 8 elective choices are:
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Design Technology
  • Digital Technology
  • Languages* – French / Japanese
  • Learning Essentials (by invitation only)
  • Music* 
* This subject is a prerequisite for the study of comparable subjects in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12.

If your daughter is thinking of studying either language/s or music in Year 9 and above, it is recommended that she continue with these subjects in Year 8. 
College Life
100 days and counting!

The Countdown began last week for our 2022 Senior Cohort.  With less than 100 days left of their MSM Student experience, they are making sure to create amazing memories each day.

Our Soccer Team is Kicking Goals in the Uhlsport Competition!!

Yesterday our Uhlsport soccer team competed in the Preliminary finals of the competition, against West Moreton Anglican College. Our team was incredible, coming away with the win to progress to the Semi Finals next Tuesday 23 August. Well done team!

A Day in the Life of a Scientist

As a part of National Science Week, twenty-one Year 10 Preparatory Biology students visited the education laboratory of the Queensland Medical Research Institute (QIMR) in Herston as part of their “A Day in the Life of a Scientist” program. The hands on experience had a genetics theme which linked to their classroom learning on DNA, inheritance and genetic modification. Students learned important laboratory practical skills such as using micropipettes, how to serial dilute a solution, and how to use benchtop vortexes and centrifuges. They also loaded an agarose gel with DNA samples and used gel electrophoresis to separate the DNA fragments, visualising the results under UV light. As part of the day they learned about the important work of the QIMR in seeking cures for cancer, genetic and infectious diseases and mental health conditions, and had a short tour of the histology and microscopy laboratories. The students agreed that it was fabulous insight into the work of research scientists and what a future science career could be like. 

Curricular Music & Dance Bangarra Excursion

Curricular Dance and Music students in Years 9-12 were offered the exciting opportunity to attend Bangarra Dance Theatre’s live performance of Terrain. Terrain is inspired by the landscape of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre and explores the fundamental connection between First Nations people and the land. Students were captivated by the power and artistry exemplified in the creative work and left feeling moved and inspired. We feel blessed to have watched and learnt from this world-renowned company.  

2022 IEU-QNT Excellence in Art Design Awards Entries

Each year IEU-QNT conduct an art competition open to students in non-government schools across Queensland. This year the theme was New Beginnings, and MSM students responded with a diverse array of entries. Judging for the 2022 competition has now been finalised and MSM are proud to congratulate Romilly (Year 8), Eva (Year 8), Sophie (Year 10), and Anouk (Year 10), as recipients of High Commendation Awards in their respective age categories.

'Bewildering Belongings'
by Anouk - Year 10

Rather than having a regular expected city view, the subject in my contemporary artwork looks out to a strange and unordinary scape - demonstrating themes of new beginnings and places, showing how they can be unique, intimidating, and confusing at times. The dimly-coloured forefront creates a sense of realism and comfort, in comparison to the bursting tons of fish and water in the background forming the effect of a new subject, experience or topic being introduced.
'Art Emerging' 
by Romilly - Year 8
'Nature Begins with Care' 
by Eva - Year 8
by Sophie - Year 10

'Insomnia' portrays me looking at a clock. The clock reads 12:37 AM, highlighting my struggles with insomnia, continuously watching the clock. The dark colours communicate my mental state and the uncertainty that I experienced. My disappointment is conveyed by how I was always upset that I could not sleep. I lived in the Netherlands from the ages of 2-10, where I never realised that what I was going through wasn't normal and could be helped. However, moving and living in Brisbane provided a point in my life where the light and dark climate delivered a good night's sleep.
We would also like to congratulate the following students for their thought-provoking entries recently selected to represent MSM in the 2022 IEU-QNT Excellence in Art Design Awards: Abbey, Anouk, Violet, Gabrielle, Eva, Evangelia, Romilly, Grace, Isabella, Sophie, and Lana.  

2022 Brisbane Portrait Prizes Entries

Ten MSM students have now submitted artworks into the nationally acclaimed 2022 Brisbane Portrait Prize - Next Gen category. This category is open to participants 18 years and under and encourages young artists to think about portraiture in a modern sense.  

Congratulations Lilly (Year 10), Camille (Year 10), Greia (Year 8), Siena (Year 10), Connie (Year 10), Anouk (Year 10), Isla (Year 10), Eva (Year 10), Claudia (Year 10), and Sophie (Year 10) for having your artwork selected to represent MSM in this visual arts competition. Finalists will be announced 17 September. 

Dynabook at Mt St Michael's College
Mt St Michael's College was excited to partner with our laptop provider, Dynabook to produce a video case study. Watch the video below to see how our students and staff benefit from this world-class resource in their day-to-day college life.
2022 Book Week - 20 - 26 August
Stay connected with all the excitement of Book Week and check out the MSM Library website - Click Here
Continue your reading journey, continue 'Dreaming with eyes open...'

Click here to visit the official CBCA website
MSM College Community Groups
Please keep up-to-date with changes to meeting formats.
 P&F Meetings: Please check the Mt St Michael's College App for meeting update notifications.
Alumni Meetings: Please visit the MSM Alumni Association Facebook page for updates.
Parents and Friends Association

Next Meeting: 5 September - 6pm

Please click here  for information on 2022 meeting dates and to find out more about the MSM Parents and Friends Association.

Follow the P&F on Facebook
MSM Alumni Inc.

Next Meeting: 22 August - 6pm

Please click here for information on 2022 meeting dates and to find out more about the 
MSM Alumni Association.

Follow our Alumni on Facebook
Parents and Friends Association
2022 Mothers' Lunch
Thank You
The P&F Association would like to say thank you to everyone who supported the Mothers' Lunch today.

Thank you also to our sponsors who donated generously to our Raffle in support of the Sisters of Charity Scholarships.
Please support the businesses that have supported us.
2022 Term Dates

Term 1
Monday 31 January – Friday 1 April

Term 2
Wednesday 20 April – Friday 17 June

Term 3
Tuesday 12 July – Friday 16 September

Term 4
Tuesday 4 October – Friday 18 November (Year 12)
Tuesday 4 October – Friday 25 November (Years 7-11)

Guide Dogs Queensland: Foster Families needed

Guide Dogs QLD have a number of puppies that will be seeking raising families in the upcoming weeks. Puppies are shared between two families, and start with their first family at 2 months old, before moving on to their second family at 8 months old. Families who foster a puppy will have all food, vet work, training and equipment provided by Guide Dogs QLD. The puppies need families who have the love and time to care for them so they are ready to begin their formal training. 

Click here for more information
Help Support the MSM Environment Group

Support the MSM Environment Group by donating your eligible containers! Bring your containers to school or use our scheme ID when returning to your local depot. Your donations will go towards funding our current and future environmental initiatives.

Mt St Michael's College scheme ID: C10333591
Now available on the College APP!
Mt St Michael’s College is pleased to bring to you the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our website and APP, this online portal, profiles businesses and provides opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote your services, sales and special offers. 

Many business owners profiled in the MSM Business Directory are long-term friends of the College. They include current and past parents, local businesses and alumni who, together show a commitment to Mt St Michael’s College and support for MSM events, fundraisers and initiatives. 

If you would like to be included in the online MSM Business Directory, simply email msmnews@msm.qld.edu.au

For more information please click here
Slow down!

The Brisbane City Council, in coordination with The Gap Ward Office, recently erected an additional 40 km/h school zone limit and traffic signs facing incoming traffic along Elimatta Drive and Aloomba Road following a request from Mt St Michael’s College to investigate the traffic management in the school vicinity. A safety project endorsed by Mt St Michael’s College’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committee.
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules. This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
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Mt St Michael's College - MSM News

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67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060
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