I love Week 8 of Term 3! On Monday our Year 11 students participated in a Leadership Day which culminated in the announcing of the Student Leadership Team for 2023. We extend our warmest congratulations to our Student Leadership Team for 2023:
College Captains - Emily and Breeze 
Mission Captains - Sophie and Amy 
Academic Captains - Elise and Lucy 
Cultural Captains - Zoe and Poppy 
Sports Captains - Olivia and Aspen
Aikenhead Captain - Charlotte
Grantuly Captain - Eva
Rush Captain - Sinead
Stewart Captain - Charlotte

Spirit Of The Arts Festival - ELPIS

Oh…What a Night! On Wednesday evening we hosted our first twilight “Spirit of the Arts Festival” in three years!  There was an energetic buzz around the College grounds and even a light shower of rain could not dampen the atmosphere. We were treated to an evening of first-class entertainment provided by our Music, Drama and Dance curricular and co-curricular students.  The Visual Art displays showcased the diverse talents of our students who utilise so many different mediums and I witnessed many “gasps of awe” as parents and grandparents viewed the exhibitions. The evening concluded with an amazing “Closing Spectacular” entitled Pandora’s Box written by Linda Statham, our Director of The Arts. This item brought together the Year 8, 9 and 10 Dance Classes, the Co-Curricular Dance Team and Performance Ensemble, Drama classes in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 accompanied by music by the Percussion Ensemble and Years 7-8 Choir and College Choir. The Year 10 Art students also featured. I acknowledge the work of Lauren (MSM Alumni - Class of 2021) and Year 12 student, Emily W for their original compositions which were part of the musical backing in the closing piece. I continue to be impressed by the level of excellence that our students bring to this event. I am so proud of them!

Events like this don’t just happen. It truly is a community event.  Firstly, I extend my thanks and congratulations to Linda Statham, Director of The Arts, and our arts staff Miriam Townsley, Danielle Mulcahy, Megan Paterson, Chelsea Humbler, Madonna Kelly, Leah Mustard (Drama pre-service teacher), Teresa Seminara, Lani Weedon, Cara Coombe, Pettina Bateman and our music conductors.  Thank you for bringing out the very best in our students!  Secondly to our staff who assisted behind the scenes – our maintenance team (Kevin Gately, Mark Donaldson, Michael Davidson and Ahmed Sultan), Adam Watson for his Sound and Lighting support, our marketing team Danielle Ferris, Fleur Kelly and Paula Ovenden.  I would also thank staff who assisted with supervision, Janelle O’Neill, Jo Howe, Paula Brydon, Paege Bellett, Amrita Moss, Claire Hatchman, Sally Crothers and Sue Wiseman.  Finally, thank you to our parents who assisted in the running of the P&F Association Bar.

Thank you to all who attended and supported this marvellous event!

Activities on our Student Free Day

Today is a Student Free Day and yet our College grounds have been filled with students!  A special welcome to the Year 6 students who attended our second Orientation Morning and thank you to the Year 10 “Buddies” who worked with the Year 6 students today. Our Year 12 students participated in their second day of mock exams as they sat their mathematics exam. Our newly appointed 2023 Student Leadership Team were also present participating in their leadership training. Thank you to the staff who supported these activities and the teaching staff are involved in Year 12 Confirmation activities. 

Father's Day

On Sunday we celebrate Father's Day. We remember and honour dads, grandfathers, uncles, and all the men who have been father figures in our lives. We thank them for their unconditional love and ask for God’s blessing on them.  
Happy Fathers’ Day!

I wish all students and staff the very best for the final two weeks of term.

In faith and love

Sharon Volp

2022 College Leadership Team

It's difficult to comprehend that we are quickly approaching the end of Term 3. We wish our Year 12 students all the best as they complete their mock exams in preparation for their external exams, as well as all our other students for impending exams and assessments. 

During this period, it is critical that students maintain what psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi refers to as "flow," or working at full capacity. Flow not only makes tasks more pleasant, but it also plays an important role in subjective well-being and emotional regulation. Another psychologist, Gemma Roberts, advises students the following:
  • In a ‘flow state’, work optimally for around 2 hours and then take a break
  • Set goals by designating specific completion points for each task
  • Reduce distractions, turn off the phone or mute notifications
  • Create a pre-flow ritual that is repeated each time you want to work in flow. This will eventually cue the brain to start getting into the zone. 
Dr Lisa Damour also suggests the following for teenage girls to feel capable of self -regulation:
  • No surprises – sleep for at least 9-10 hours 
  • Allowing your daughter to verbalise her feelings
  • For the non-talkers, exercise, art or music can help with self-regulation
  • Distraction to help regain perspective
  • Walk alongside your daughter while talking
To learn more, Dr Amour has some excellent resources at:https://drlisadamour.com/
Titration Competition
Congratulations to Year 10 pre-Chemistry students Bridget, Audrey, and Camille, who excelled in the recent RACI Titration state competition and have been chosen to compete in the National finals at the end of this term.  Thank you to Mrs Deanne Burton, Mr Mat McAllister, and Laboratory Assistant Mrs Lorrae Broadley for guiding and preparing the students for this competition. This is a fantastic accomplishment, and we wish the team the best of success.
Year 7 2023
It was a pleasure to welcome our Year 7 2023 students back to our College this morning for learning and assessment testing, as well as House activities with Year 10 buddies. They were delighted to attend, meet new friends, and interact with our Year 10 students. Mrs Alison Larkings and Ms Alison Correia are to be commended for their overall organisation of this event.

Parent Engagement Evening

Our Parent Engagement Evening with Guest Speaker Dr Justin Coulson was a very successful evening with more than 250 parents and staff in attendance. Thank you to the parents/caregivers and staff who supported this event.

Enrolments for 2023

Over the past two weeks the CLT have had the pleasure of meeting with our incoming Year 7 students for 2023 and their parents. This has been a wonderful opportunity to get to know current and future members of our community, I wish we had time to do this with all of our families! I am always struck by how impressive our young women are and how invested their parents are in supporting them on their MSM journey. I look forward to welcoming them all next year.

Procedure Reminders

When a student is unwell at school, they are required to present at Student Reception who will make contact with their parent or caregiver if their daughter needs to be collected. Students are not to call parents from their mobile phones, it is imperative that the College is aware when students are unwell and we will facilitate their departure if necessary.

A reminder that students are not to use their mobile phones to pay at the Kaf, either flexischools, cash or an atm card is accepted for payment.

Year 12 Retreat

Our 2022 Retreat program concluded last week with the Year 12 Retreat Day. 

Capably facilitated by Michael Fitzpatrick, our senior students participated in a range of activities, reflecting with gratitude on the gift of six years spent together at MSM.  As cohorts before them have done, the students created a “web” of significant memories from their time at the College and wrote letters of affirmation and thanks to other students who have journeyed with them. My thanks to Ms Brydon and our Year 12 Homeroom Teachers for their support during the day, and to Ms Volp who joined us for the blessing liturgy at the end of the day. 
SES/Interact Share the Dignity & Days for Girls Drive 

Our Sisters Empowering Sisters and Interact students have combined forces this term to support Days for Girls and Share the Dignity, two worthy organisations seeking to combat the issue of period poverty in our world. Our students collected hundreds of period products and size-inclusive underwear throughout August. These items will be donated to Days for Girls, who seek to combat period stigma in developing countries, and Share the Dignity, who work to ensure that all Australian women and girls have access to safe, reliable and affordable menstrual care. Thank you to our Interact and Sisters Empowering Sisters students, and all who donated to this wonderful initiative. 

College Life
Year 10 Physics

Year 10 Preparatory Physics have been studying forces and motion this term and conducted an inquiry into the phenomena of inertia. The students rotated through a number of hands-on activities, recording observations at each station, and discussing the trends they had observed. The students were ultimately able to reach their own conclusion which paralleled Newton’s First Law: Objects at rest tend to stay at rest, and objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force. A highlight of the lesson was the water balloon pop. A water balloon was popped and students recorded the motion of the water in slow-motion to see that the individual water particles remained in the balloon shape as they fell. Thank you to Pre-Service teacher Ms Cawood for organising this excellent learning experience for the students. 

Sustainability at MSM

This term Year 10 Fashion Technology students have been focusing on sustainability. They have investigated the real costs of ‘fast fashion’ and considered alternatives to engaging in this wasteful practice. After a trip to the Red Hill Salvo’s Store to purchase a pair of pre-loved jeans, they have been working on repurposing these into a skirt. By adding embellishments, experimenting with bleaching, and distressing, they will have a totally new item to add to their wardrobe choices.

2022 Book Week at MSM

Our Book Week culminating activity was MSM READS where the whole school stopped to read a book of their own choice during extended homeroom time. Two lucky homerooms, 11C and 7E, got to experience MSM READS in the Library, with the addition of hot chocolate and marshmallows, accompanied by a sweet treat and a “Dreaming with eyes open” bookmark. They had previously been judged as the winners of our earlier Harry Potter or Shakespearian Spell Competition, and the photos show how quickly they were able to form a connection with each other. Reading truly is like dreaming with your eyes open!

Year 7 Ancient History

As part of their Ancient History unit, one of our Year 7 homerooms mummified five of their classmates and decorated the room to replicate an Ancient Egyptian Tomb.

Japanese Learning Experiences

Year 7 Japanese students invited Marist Japanese students to a Cultural Trivia Afternoon all about Japan. Students enjoyed Japanese snacks before contesting four rounds of trivia centred on Japanese pop culture, famous landmarks, religion and fun facts.

Year 10 Japanese students enjoyed learning about the role of the Consulate General of Japan and the many opportunities available to work and study in Japan in the future.
Year 9 Japanese students enjoyed a precious cultural experience over a delicious Japanese dinner, Sukiyaki, at an authentic Japanese restaurant, Bishamon. Sukiyaki is a Japanese traditional hotpot dish (Nabemono) of beef and vegetables prepared in sweet soy soup. It was great to see our students eating dinner with chopsticks and asking questions to the restaurant staff in Japanese.
External Music Exams

Many music students are maintaining a high standard of commitment to their studies and have completed external examination certificates with the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB), conveniently located in Ashgrove.

Late 2021:
  • Isabela (Year 7) Piano Preliminary Honours (A).
  • Amelia (Year 8), AMEB Grade Flute, Grade 2, A+
  • Lauren (Year 11) AMEB Euphonium, Grade 3, A
  • Ellen (Year 8), AMEB Trumpet, Grade 4, A
  • Gabrielle (Year 11) AMEB Flute, Grade 4, A+
  • Taylor (Year 8) AMEB Piano for Leisure, Grade 2, B+
  • Elizabeth (Year 9), AMEB, Piano for Leisure, Grade 5, B+
  • Isabela (Year 8), AMEB Flute, Grade 2, A
  • Amelia (Year 8), AMEB Flute, Grade 3, B
2022 so far:
  • Celeste (Year 10), AMEB Grade 3 AMEB Classical Guitar, A
  • Claudia (Year 9) AMEB Piano for Leisure Grade 3 exam (comprehensive revised syllabus), B
  • Jasmine (Year 7), AMEB, Piano for Leisure Grade 1, B+
  • Isabela (Year 8), AMEB, Piano Comprehensive, Grade 1, B+
MSM Student Achievements
Puppet Theatre Production

Congratulations to MSM Year 9 student, Mabel who voice-recorded the lead role of Melek for a live musical puppet show called Hijabi Girl by the renowned children’s author Hazel Edwards (of “There’s a hippopotamus on my roof eating cake” fame) and Turkish-Australian-Muslim co-author Ozge Allan. This week the show was launched at Logan’s Butterbox Theatre to its first enthusiastic school audiences. Hijabi Girl, presented by Larrikin Puppets, is an in-theatre production for children, their teachers and their families to embrace diversity and accept people from different cultures. Well done, Mabel!

Queensland Schools Orienteering Championships

Congratulations to Year 12 student, Sara who participated in the Queensland Schools Orienteering Championships. 91 students from all around Queensland took part in three events: A Sprint at Bremer SHS & University of Southern Qld Ipswich, and two bush events at Mt Crosby and Deebing Creek. 

Sara placed 1st in both the Sprint and Hagaby (one person relay) events and 2nd in the Long distance event. Over the weekend, Sara was named the female captain of the Queensland Team for Nationals. Well done Sara! 

MSM College Community Groups
Please keep up-to-date with changes to meeting formats.
 P&F Meetings: Please check the Mt St Michael's College App for meeting update notifications.
Alumni Meetings: Please visit the MSM Alumni Association Facebook page for updates.
Parents and Friends Association

Next Meeting: 5 September - 6pm

Please click here  for information on 2022 meeting dates and to find out more about the MSM Parents and Friends Association.

Follow the P&F on Facebook
MSM Alumni Inc.

Next Meeting: 12 September - 6pm

Please click here for information on 2022 meeting dates and to find out more about the 
MSM Alumni Association.

Follow our Alumni on Facebook
Parents and Friends Association
2022 MSM Mothers' Lunch

It is wonderful to be back!
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the 2022 MSM Mothers' Lunch. A wonderful afternoon was had by all!
Thank you Parent Volunteers

Thank you to all our parents and caregivers who volunteered at the 2022 Spirit of the Arts Festival.

The Parents and Friends Association assists Mt St Michael's College at various events throughout the school year.

Becoming a P&F volunteer is a great way to connect and meet fellow parents/caregivers.

We would love you to join us on our official Facebook Page - Click here

For more information about how you can get involved, email pandf@msm.qld.edu.au

2022 Term Dates

Term 1
Monday 31 January – Friday 1 April

Term 2
Wednesday 20 April – Friday 17 June

Term 3
Tuesday 12 July – Friday 16 September

Term 4
Tuesday 4 October – Friday 18 November (Year 12)
Tuesday 4 October – Friday 25 November (Years 7-11)

Help Support the MSM Environment Group

Support the MSM Environment Group by donating your eligible containers! Bring your containers to school or use our scheme ID when returning to your local depot. Your donations will go towards funding our current and future environmental initiatives.

Mt St Michael's College scheme ID: C10333591
Now available on the College APP!
Mt St Michael’s College is pleased to bring to you the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our website and APP, this online portal, profiles businesses and provides opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote your services, sales and special offers. 

Many business owners profiled in the MSM Business Directory are long-term friends of the College. They include current and past parents, local businesses and alumni who, together show a commitment to Mt St Michael’s College and support for MSM events, fundraisers and initiatives. 

If you would like to be included in the online MSM Business Directory, simply email msmnews@msm.qld.edu.au

For more information please click here
Slow down!

The Brisbane City Council, in coordination with The Gap Ward Office, recently erected an additional 40 km/h school zone limit and traffic signs facing incoming traffic along Elimatta Drive and Aloomba Road following a request from Mt St Michael’s College to investigate the traffic management in the school vicinity. A safety project endorsed by Mt St Michael’s College’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committee.
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules. This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
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67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060
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