Welcome back to Term 2!  I trust that all members of our community have enjoyed the Easter holiday break and have returned refreshed ready for another big term at MSM.  There has already been several important events this week – Parent-Teacher Conferences, the Principal’s Honours Assembly, MSM Cross Country and ANZAC Day Liturgy.  

On Wednesday we hosted our Principal’s Honours Assembly to celebrate the academic achievements of our 2021 cohort. This event had previously been planned for 4 February, but due to the delayed start to the school year it was rescheduled to this week.

Twenty-four students were acknowledged as “Honour Students” - recognised for their excellence in achievement and commitment to their studies in their chosen pathway (either ATAR or Vocational Education).  Each Honour Student was presented with a Principal’s Honour Award and signed the MSM Honour Roll.

We have been absolutely delighted with the ATAR results of our 2021 graduates. The following data I am about to share with you is based on the 104 ATAR eligible students who have given permission for us to view their ATAR result:

  • 2% of students received an ATAR of 99 and above
  • 8% of students received an ATAR of 98 and above
  • 20% of students received an ATAR of 95 and above
  • 40% of students received an ATAR of 90 and above. This places them in the top 23.87% of the state. 

We are also extremely proud of the achievements of our students who were involved in Vocational Education pathways or other alternative pathways last year.  Some of these students were also undertaking ATAR studies.  

  • 18 students were awarded a Certificate II
  • 26 students were awarded a Certificate III
  • 2 students were awarded a Certificate IV
  • 9 students were awarded a Diploma
  • 1 student was completing a school-based traineeship.

Congratulations to the 2021 College Dux, Jasmine Armstrong. Jasmine was presented with two Queensland Certificate of Education Achievement Awards at the recent awards presentation.

  • Highest Achievement by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Student
  • Distinguished Academic Achiever Award.

Jasmine has provided the following reflection and advice to our current students:

“My long-term goal is to specialise in cardiothoracic surgery, anaesthesiology or neurosurgery. I would like to give back to the community through working with organisations that provide services to those who would not otherwise be able to afford them.

“I have provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine program at The University of Queensland. First, I’ll study for a degree in Health Sciences. My favourite subject was Mathematical Methods. I loved the problem-solving aspect; how I could rearrange and work a complex language down to a single solution.

Do your personal best; do not compare yourself to others because everyone has different strengths and there are many pathways to achieve your goals. Also choose subjects that interest you — you are more likely to achieve when you are engaged”.

Congratulations Jasmine!  We are very proud of your achievements. 

We also had two students who were awarded the Top Subject Achievement Award in the State in the areas of Study of Religion and Dance.  

Congratulations to Isabella Deegan who is the recipient of the Samuel Griffiths Scholarship for Griffith University.  Isabella is studying animation and this scholarship valued at $24 000 will provide wonderful financial support to her. 
We had 98% of our students receive an offer from QTAC.  The most popular areas of study were:

  1. Health 
  2. Society and Culture 
  3. Natural and Physical Sciences 
  4. Creative Arts 
  5. Management and Commerce.  

We are so proud of the achievements of the Class of 2021 and look forward to hearing more about their post-MSM journey in future years. 

Upcoming Term 2 Events
MSM Open Evening
Friday 27 May
3:30 - 6pm
Mt St Michael's College

Prospective families are invited to pre-register here.
It's Back!
The MSM College Fees Raffle

Raffle tickets go on sale next week.
Be in it to WIN it!
College Leadership Team
A happy and holy Easter to you all. As we enter the Easter season, marking the 40 days between Easter Sunday and Pentecost when Jesus walked with his disciples, teaching them and preparing them for ministry, I am always struck by Sr Joan Chittister’s words:
“After Easter, the tomb of Jesus stands open for all of us to enter. If Jesus has risen, then you and I have no choice but to go into the tomb, put on the leftover garments ourselves, and follow Jesus back to Galilee where the poor cry for food, to where the crippled and the blind ones wait. Easter is about dazzling light, but only if it shines through us.”

The miracle of Easter marks a change in the relationship between Jesus and his companions. No longer a leader and followers, they now must work together to teach, to heal and to minister to the oppressed. Much has changed in 2000 years, but there is still poverty, disease and oppression that must be addressed. With Jesus as our guide and companion, and with the example of Mary Aikenhead to guide us, it’s up to us to continue this work today.

Term 1 Mission: Micah Projects and Project Compassion

We were overwhelmed by the generous hearts of justice in our MSM family this term. Together, we raised $3348.20 for Project Compassion, and we were able to donate nearly 3000 nappies and more than 1200 new clothing items to women and children through our good friends at Micah Projects. Sari and Kate from Micah Projects joined us on the final day of term to participate in a special liturgy with our Year 8 and 9 students, who collected hundreds of pairs of flip-flop thongs for women and children escaping homelessness and domestic violence. Our Year 8 and 9 students wrote messages of hope and support and attached them to each pair. Thanks to Ms Kelly and Ms Devenish-Meares for their work on this beautiful initiative.
Easter Liturgy
Term 1 concluded with a beautiful and thought provoking Easter Liturgy. Through the process of contextualization, our students heard the story of Jesus’ Passion told through the lens of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues. We used beautiful art and the words of First Nations poets, writers and activists to draw parallels between Jesus’ suffering and death and the many justice issues that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have faced in Australia. As we celebrated the joy of the Resurrection, we prayed with hope for Australia’s Reconciliation movement and for a country where all people are safe, known and celebrated. Our liturgy featured more than 150 singers, dancers, musicians and readers. Tremendous thanks to all staff and students involved in making this such a special event.
Term 2 Mission Focus

As the new term commences, we change our mission focus. In Term 2, Mt St Michael’s College is proud to support the Downs and West Community Service, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity to people who live in the Western Darling Downs region. After years of devastating, crippling drought, this year’s flood events have caused catastrophic damage. With our support, Downs and West seeks to offer financial, charitable, psychological and spiritual care to families who need it. We are also proud to support the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal, and our Missions of St Vincent CAN group is busy planning this appeal right now. We will provide more information on how to support Downs and West and the Vinnies Winter appeal in the coming weeks.

Our community gathered on Friday to mark ANZAC Day with a special liturgy and wreath laying ceremony. This year, our ANZAC Reflection featured special ANZAC stories from our members of staff who have family members who served or are currently serving in the Armed Services. We concluded our liturgy with a special prayer for peace from Pope Francis:

Lord God of peace,
Hear our prayer! 
Open our eyes and our hearts, and give us the courage to say:
“Never again war!”
With war everything is lost. 
Instil in our hearts the courage to take concrete steps to achieve peace.
Keep alive within us the flame of hope, so that with patience and perseverance we may opt for dialogue and reconciliation. 
In this way, may peace triumph at last. 
On Monday morning, many members of our community will participate in the ANZAC Day March and Service of the RSL Ashgrove Sub-Branch at Stewart Park.
Around The College
MSM Cross Country Carnival

Yesterday's Inter-house Cross Country Carnival was a wonderful reason to celebrate in so many ways.  It was great to have the whole school cohort together in a fun and colourful event.  Many students were competing against their own personal best times and their age group peers in the 3km race, vying for highly sought-after places in the MSM Cross Country team.  At the conclusion of the competitive events, all students participated in the 1km Fun Run/Walk, contributing to house points and getting some activity into the legs!  

While we will save the announcement of the House Champion for an assembly presentation, I would like to congratulate the following students for their individual achievements (these students will also be presented with their Age Champion medals on assembly): 

12 Years Winners
🥇 Laura 🥈 Harriet 🥉 Khloe
13 Years Winners
🥇 Gabrielle 🥈 Siana 🥉 Annette
14 Years Winners
🥇 Lillian 🥈 Chloe 🥉 Caitlin
15 Years Winners
🥇 Abigail 🥈 Lauren 🥉 Anabelle
16 Years Winners
🥇 Imogen 🥈 Charlotte 🥉 Elli
17+ Years Winners
🥇 Jessica 🥈 Eloise 🥉 Milly

Thank you to all staff who assisted with the planning and execution of this event, and the CLT for their support of rescheduling this full college event after being postponed in Term 1.  Best wishes to the students selected into the MSM Cross Country team for their upcoming season. It is a very strong team, and we thank in advance the students willing to commit to the hard work and dedication that a successful Cross Country team requires. 

MSM Swimming Team Camp

With their pre-CaSSSA team day requiring rescheduling, the MSM Swimming Team celebrated their successful swim season at Currumbin on the Gold Coast with some surfing and lunchtime ocean views. It was a tough way to begin Term 2, with perfect sunshine and rolling waves, but in true MSM spirit, the girls pushed through the “tough” conditions and had a great time.
Year 7 Humanities Liveability Study

Year 7 Humanities students are investigating the liveability of different places around the world. This includes looking at what makes one area easier to live in than another. To ease into the term the students from 7E have taken their Minecraft skills to the next level by creating a mini city in Minecraft and bringing together their ideas regarding what makes a city more liveable. 

This was a fantastic activity, with students able to use their creative freedom and also provided a great opportunity for them to learn that everyone has a different idea about what makes a city liveable. Check out just some of the amazing examples of the students work. 

A birds-eye view of part of the city
A high-end suburban house
A train station
A charming rural home
The inside of a café
Year 12 Student, Charlie attends Junior Matilda Camp

Year 12 Student and Aikenhead House Captain, Charlie is continuing to channel green (and gold) being selected into the Junior Matilda Camp for the second time in as many weeks. Charlie will train for a week down in Adelaide alongside Australia's best young footballing prospects. Congratulations Charlie!
Swimming Age National Championships

We had six MSM students qualify and compete in the Swimming Age National Championships in Adelaide.  

Emily Draper - 15 Years, Tara Cabaron - 16 Years, Annabelle Creswell - 15 Years, Kate Shield - 13 Years, Hannah Casey - 15 Years and Audrey Dearling - 15 Years. 

We are so MSM Proud of all six of these principled and passionate young women.  

We had some truly remarkable results… 

Hannah raised the bar to the NEXT level becoming the national champion across five events, gaining the title of the fastest Junior female at Nationals across these events and an Australian Record in 15 Years 200m Freestyle. 
🥇 50m Freestyle 🥇100m Freestyle 
🥇200m Freestyle - Australian Record  
🥇100m Butterfly 🥇50m Butterfly 
Audrey was outstanding getting a bronze in the 100m Breaststroke 
🥉 100m Breaststroke  
4th 200m Breaststroke  
Hockey National Champions

Congratulations to MSM Student, Elise Condon who played for the QLD Gold Team at the Hockey Australia U18 Championships in Cairns over the holidays. Elise’s team won the Gold Medal match and were crowned U18 Women's National Champions. Well done, Elise and the QLD Gold Team. To read more about Elise and her team's success at the Championships, click the link below 
Hockey Success

Congratulations to Ellie and Paige who represented Queensland Hockey at the U15 Nationals held in Newcastle over the holidays.
Ellie captained her team (Maroon) to a 3-0 victory against WA to take gold.
Paige's team (Gold) finished in 4th place after being narrowly defeated (0-1) by NSW in the Bronze medal playoff.

MusicFest1 - GLAM ROCK
Thursday 28 April - 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Sophia Centre
Free Concert *No bookings required*

We are excited to welcome a live audience to MusicFest1 “Glam Rock”, a celebration of our Co-Curricular Music groups on Thursday, 28 April from 6pm in the Sophia Centre. Performers and audience members are invited to “glam up” with perhaps some glittery eyeshadow or fingernail polish, or “rock it up” by draping themselves in diamonds and emeralds. The varied program will visit some of the classics of the 70s glam rock era, plus anything related to glitter, glamorousness, or rock - both rock style music and in a geological sense.
Term 2 CaSSSA Sport Season

Next week sees the beginning of the Term 2 CaSSSA sport season.  In preparation for that please be reminded of the following processes for students that must be followed throughout the season: 

  1. Students who participate in CaSSSA Sports are required to change into their sports uniforms on Wednesdays (game days only) at lunch time. 
  2. Immediately after period 6 on Wednesdays, students should meet coaches in the Sophia Centre, to have rolls marked so that buses can depart promptly.  Games commence at 4pm. 
  3. Students are welcome to leave their bags and belongings at MSM if they are travelling offsite for their games.  Bags that are left at MSM should be neatly placed on the top 2 levels of the bleachers in the Sophia Centre.  Any bags left on the bottom row or the floor will be removed. 
  4. Parents are asked to collect their daughter/s promptly from MSM when returned from offsite locations.  Typically, that is 5.30pm, some exceptions may apply due to traffic but please aim to arrive then for early collection. Coaches will wait with students until parents arrive, but supervision will be limited after 6pm. Please collect your daughter/s from Amarina Avenue or the Sophia Centre entrance on Wednesday afternoons. 
  5. Training is compulsory and training for all teams will commence next week (Week 2). Unfortunately the teams that train on Mondays will not train on public holidays; this is an unavoidable clash.  For all training sessions (even training sessions that occur at Dorrington Park in the afternoons) students are required to meet in the Sophia Centre before training to have rolls marked. 
  6. For training sessions, students must change after period 6 (for afternoon trainings) into their sports uniform; for morning training sessions, students must change back into their formal uniform after training, before period 1 commences. 
  7. Full sports uniforms (or sports specific loaned items) are the only items that should be worn for games while representing MSM.  Please ensure that you have the correct socks, shorts, bike pants etc for all games.  Tracksuit pants can be worn on transport to and from games, but they must not be worn while competing. 
  8. If you are not able to attend a training session or a game, you must notify the sports office (Kay Roy kroy@msm.qld.edu.au or Kath Page kpage@msm.qld.edu.au ) asap so that we can ensure adequate numbers are available for all teams. 
  9. Any cancellations of training or games will be notified to relevant students and parents via email and the MSM app. 

Best of luck to all teams competing in the Term 2 CaSSSA season.  We look forward to watching you show your #MSMPride 

CASE Space School Expedition July 2023
Information Evening

Mt St Michael’s College is excited to announce our participation in CASE Space School Expedition July 2023. All Mt St Michael’s College students are invited to join CASE Junior Space School or CASE Senior Space School and visit NASA in the USA! 

The space industry is the most stimulating environment to showcase the impact of STEAM and innovation in our world and inspire students in the pursuit of STEAM studies. 

This is a wonderful opportunity for all students to learn beyond the classroom and be inspired by the opportunities that lie ahead! 

Information Evening
Wednesday 27 April 2022, via ZOOM
Years 7-9: 6:00pm | Years 10-12: 7:30pm
For more information and to RSVP to the Information Evening, visit:
MSM College Community Groups
Please keep up-to-date with changes to meeting formats.
 P&F Meetings: Please check the Mt St Michael's College App for meeting update notifications.
Alumni Meetings: Please visit the MSM Alumni Association Facebook page for updates.
Parents and Friends Association

Next Meeting - Monday 9 May, 6pm
Please click here  for information on 2022 meeting dates and to find out more about the MSM Parents and Friends Association.

Follow the P&F on Facebook
Alumni Association

Next Meeting - Monday 23 May, 6pm
Please click here for information on 2022 meeting dates and to find out more about the 
MSM Alumni Association.

Follow our Alumni on Facebook
P&F Association
Save The Date
P&F Association Fathers' Golf Day

Friday 27 May - Noon Tee Off (Arrive by 11:30am)
Ashgrove Golf Club

The MSM P&F Association extends an invitation to the MSM Fathers' Golf Day on Friday 27 May. Join fellow MSM dads for 18 holes of golf at Ashgrove Golf Course followed by a relaxed dinner at The Gap Tavern. The game will be "four ball best ball" so you don't have to be a pro.

Click here to book your tickets
Alumni Association
Alumni Coffee and Conversations Breakfast
Thursday 12 May
7:00am -8:30am
Ionian Centre - Mezzanine Level

Current MSM Mothers who are Alumni of the College and their daughter/s are invited to join us for the Alumni Coffee & Conversations Mother-Daughter Breakfast on Thursday 12 May 2022.The breakfast will be held on the mezzanine level of the Ionian Centre (Aloomba Road entrance) commencing at 7:30am.
2022 Term Dates

Term 2
Wednesday 20 April – Friday 17 June

Term 3
Tuesday 12 July – Friday 16 September

Term 4
Tuesday 4 October – Friday 18 November (Year 12)
Tuesday 4 October – Friday 25 November (Years 7-11)

Scholarships for Senior Education
QATSIF recognises the vital role that successful completion of schooling and the availability of opportunities through higher education have in building a foundation for employment and better quality of life. However, it is equally aware that senior education is a resource not easily accessed by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Under the QCE Scholarship Program, QATSIF provides two-year scholarship funding to support students commencing Year 11. QATSIF funds successful schools which then provide scholarships to individual students.

QATSIF’s initial capital was created through the toil of previous generations of Indigenous Queenslanders. This capital has been invested by QATSIF’s Trustee, the Public Trustee of Queensland, and the annual interest provides an income stream for scholarships and bursaries. In this way, the toil of previous generations will directly benefit the generations that follow, and with additional financial support from the wider community, QATSIF will be enabled to stand as a permanent and positive legacy for the future.

Please contact the College if you would like further details regarding these scholarships

We congratulate our QATSIF scholarship recipients, Miranda O’Connor and Eugenie Costello.
Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme

The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland. To find out more about eligibility requirements click here

Students with Disability
The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland. To find out more about eligibility requirements for Students with Disability click here



Hear what candidates have to say about supporting your child’s Catholic education and their future.

menCONNECT is a local Catholic ministry of men whose goals are to connect with each other and to connect with God. It is aimed to bring men together, to renew their faith in God and to encourage them in their roles as husbands, fathers, brothers etc.

Gentlemen, we are delighted to advise that Br Damien Price will be the speaker at the half-day Gathering on 14 May this year. The topic will cover three elements, Know yourself (life is a journey to know yourself), Grow yourself (our ego often hinders our growth) and Brotherhood (we are called to be outward looking). 

Damien is a much sought-after speaker and we are privileged to have a man of such quality to lead us.

The morning starts at 7am with the traditional cooked breakfast and coffee and concludes at 1pm.

The location of the Gathering is the Saint Peter Chanel School (library room), 41 Chaprowe Rd, The Gap. The cost is $20 and please RSVP Mike on 0459 992 228 for catering purposes.
Help Support the MSM Environment Group

Support the MSM Environment Group by donating your eligible containers! Bring your containers to school or use our scheme ID when returning to your local depot. Your donations will go towards funding our current and future environmental initiatives.

Mt St Michael's College scheme ID: C10333591
Now available on the College APP!
Mt St Michael’s College is pleased to bring to you the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our website and APP, this online portal, profiles businesses and provides opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote your services, sales and special offers. 

Many business owners profiled in the MSM Business Directory are long-term friends of the College. They include current and past parents, local businesses and alumni who, together show a commitment to Mt St Michael’s College and support for MSM events, fundraisers and initiatives. 

If you would like to be included in the online MSM Business Directory, simply email msmnews@msm.qld.edu.au

For more information please click here
Slow down!

The Brisbane City Council, in coordination with The Gap Ward Office, recently erected an additional 40 km/h school zone limit and traffic signs facing incoming traffic along Elimatta Drive and Aloomba Road following a request from Mt St Michael’s College to investigate the traffic management in the school vicinity. A safety project endorsed by Mt St Michael’s College’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committee.
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules. This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
Important Links
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Mt St Michael's College - MSM News

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Mt St Michael's College
67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060
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