Welcome to our centenary year!   

In 1925, Archbishop Duhig invited the Sisters of Charity to continue their work in Queensland and they accepted the invitation. On 24 May 1925, four Sisters of Charity arrived at “Grantuly”. It was opened and blessed on 7 June 1925. The first classes were conducted in two rooms in the convent on Monday 1 June 1925 with 40 pupils on the roll. By 1 September there were about 115 pupils. St Finbarr’s Parish Church was founded in 1927 and the primary school was transferred to classrooms below the timber church building. By now, 175 students were enrolled. The official opening of the school took place on 16 August 1927. Secondary girls’ classes commenced in 1927, with teaching taking place on the verandahs of “Grantuly”. A secondary school building was completed in 1941 and became known as Mount St Michael’s College.
A new chapter in the history of the College commenced when we welcomed our fifty Year 5 students on Wednesday 29 January. We are all marvelling at how well that they are adapting to life at MSM.
As we embark on the festivities planned for our centenary, let us revel in the nostalgia of the past and look forward to the promising future that awaits. The journey of education is ongoing, and as we celebrate 100 years, we renew our commitment to our mission:

Students educated at Mt St Michael’s College will be nurtured in the tradition of the Sisters of Charity to be principled young women with a passion for life, a commitment to justice and the courage to live out the teachings of Jesus.

I would also like to extend a special welcome to our newest members of our community the Year 7 students (the Class of 2030) and the new students in other year levels and their families. We look forward to connecting with our Year 7 Parents and Caregivers at the “Welcome to MSM” function next Friday, 14 February. 

This year we are focusing on the value of “Hope” and we have adopted the theme “Hope Endures”. At our opening assembly we began to unpack this theme and launched our major fundraising project for the year “Project Providence”. Ms Simpson (Dean of Faith and Mission) has shared more information on this exciting project in her article.

New Staff
I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new staff members:
Teaching Staff
  • Linda Berry (Geography, Humanities)
  • Alexandra Bowman (Biology, Science and Mathematics)
  • Sonya Comrie (English, Humanities)
  • Leah Strati (History, English, RE)
  • Kate Marsh (Year 5)
  • Kate Toohey (Year 5)
  • Susanne Watson (Maths and Chemistry)
  • Natalie Wright (French, History)
We also welcome our new College Counsellor, Ms Milena Barbagallo.
New School Officers
  • Joan Coyle - Risk and Compliance Officer
  • Kirrily Gofton – Marketing Officer - Digital and Design
  • Penelope Grills – Administration Officer - Visual Art Support
  • Debra Koning – College Receptionist
  • Caroline Saunders – Administration (Teacher Services) Term 1
  • Alexandra Quinlan– Human Resources Officer
  • Svetlana Villari – Payroll Officer
Welcome back to Ms Alison Larkings who was on long service leave in Term 4 last year. In Term 1 we have five staff members who will be enjoying some well-deserved long service leave. We wish Ms Paege Bellet, Mrs Madonna Kelly, Mrs Sandra Mannion, Mrs Maree Swanson and Ms Rebecca Valmadre a relaxing and rejuvenating break. Thank you to Ms Natalie McMaster who will be in the role of Acting Year 9 Pastoral Leader for Term 1.
Welcome back to these staff who will be assisting in contract roles:
  • Penny Pritchard-Cahill (Term 1)
  • Kirsty Scanlan (Term 1)
  • Jeni Emblem (2025)
Semester 2 2024 Principal's Awards
I visited each year level assembly on the first day of our school year to present the Semester 2 2024 Principal's Awards.  I was pleased to be able to share my delight at the number of students who achieved these special awards last year.  It was a positive way to commence our academic journey in 2025.
Principal's Honours Assembly
On Tuesday morning we hosted our annual Principals’ Honours Assembly where 35 students were acknowledged as “Honour Students” and recognised for their excellence in achievement and commitment to their studies in their chosen pathway (either ATAR or Vocational Education). Each Honour Student was presented with a Principal’s Honour Award and signed the MSM Honour Roll. 

I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our 2024 cohort. Congratulations to the 2024 Dux of the College Audrey Dowling.

We have been absolutely delighted with the ATAR results of our 2024 graduates. The following data I am about to share with you is based on the 102 ATAR eligible students who have given permission for us to view their ATAR results:
  • 5% of students received an ATAR of 99 and above
  • 14% of students received an ATAR of 98 and above
  • 28% of students received an ATAR of 95 and above
  • 52% of students received an ATAR of 90 and above
We are also extremely proud of the achievements of our 62 students who were awarded one or more Vocational Education qualifications last year. Some of these students were also undertaking ATAR studies. 
  • 18 students were awarded a Certificate II
  • 25 students were awarded a Certificate III
  • 2 students were awarded a Certificate IV
  • 32 students were awarded a Diploma
It was a privilege to share some notable highlights of our student’s achievements:
  • 100% of our students received a QCE
  • 18 students received 6A’s awarding them the QCAA Certificate of Academic Commendation. 1358 of these were awarded in the State
  • 7 students achieved 100% on internal and external results, including one student who achieved 100% in two subject areas
  • 24 students achieved 100% on their external examination, with 4 students achieving 100% in two subject areas
 According to our latest QTAC data the most popular areas of study were:
  1. Health (36) – medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, speech pathology
  2. Management and Commerce (28) – hospitality management, banking and finance
  3. Society and Culture – law, economics, psychology, sport and recreation (26)
  4. Creative Arts (9) – Music, Graphic Design, Communications and Media Studies
  5. Natural and Physical Sciences (8)
  6. Education (7)
A special thank you to our Honour Students who addressed the audience and shared their own reflections on their personal journey to excellence.

As we say a final farewell to the Class of 2024, we officially acknowledge the Class of 2025. This morning I proudly presented the Year 12 students with their senior badges during our Opening Mass. I am confident that our Seniors of 2025 will proudly lead our College in this special year, upholding our values of hope, justice, love and compassion.

In Faith and Love
Sharon Volp
MSM Year 7 Parents and Caregivers are warmly invited to join us for the 2025 "Welcome to MSM" event on Friday 14 February from 5:30 – 7:00pm at the College. This event is open to Mt St Michael's College 2025 Year 7 parents and caregivers. Tickets are $25 per person includes grazing table and a complimentary drink in your very own MSM reusable stemless wine glass. Bookings close 13 February at 10am.
Year 7 families are invited to book tickets for the 2025 Year 7 MSM Foundation Father-Daughter Breakfast on Wednesday 19 February, 6:45 – 8:30am. Bookings are essential and ticket sales will close on Thursday 13 February at 10am.

We look forward to welcoming our MSM Year 7 students and their Fathers/Caregivers for this very special event.


The commencement of the school year is always an exciting period as we reconnect with friends and MSM staff. A sincere welcome is extended to our new students and families in 2025. Regardless of the year group, I know that all new students will be warmly welcomed.

While many of us enjoyed the company of family friends over the holidays, some of our students participated in exciting co-curricular activities.

BRAINways QUEST Competition
In 2024, our BRAINways QUEST students for Gifted and Talented students progressed to the National finals. Congratulations to Alice A, Lauren G and Alice H, who entered the Nationals well prepared and with incredible enthusiasm, achieving first place in Humanities, first place in Science, second place in Mathematics and overall National champions. We are immensely proud of these outstanding results. Thank you to Ms O’Neill who has prepared our students and supported them throughout this competition.

Australian Space Design Competition
The Australian Space Design Competition (ASDC) is designed for secondary school students with a passion for space, or those considering a future in STEM fields. It allows students to experience true industry simulation where students need to respond to an engineering Request for Tender (RFT) and design a fully functional space settlement; including aspects such as overall structure, operations, automation, human factors and logistics.

Students Taylor B, Lani M, Julia S and Emily BR, combined with two other schools (as per competition rules), formed a team called Orion and awarded overall National winners in this competition. This is an amazing result and our team of four didn’t sleep on the announcement night! Thank you to Dr Blackburn who coached and prepared these students through the competition.

Other Exciting News
Some other exciting news over the holidays involves Year 10 student Alex D. Alex won the lead role of Ellie in a short film called ‘The Bear Hunt’, a story about a young disabled girl determined to discover the origins of her unique teddy bear. She finds not only the maker of her treasured bear but also a newfound sense of belonging and purpose in a world that often overlooks the beauty in difference. She flew to Adelaide at the end of January and spent a week filming in various locations around the city. The film will be released later this year and is expected to be shown at film festivals around the country.


We extend our best wishes to everyone for a wonderful Term 1 and eagerly anticipate meeting you at the various upcoming events.

I would also like to offer my heartfelt gratitude to our staff for their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts. Their dedication to excellence and passion for education have made our start to this year truly remarkable.

Thank you to our students for your continued efforts for making this year a memorable one.

Our 2025 Theme: Hope Endures
This year, all Mary Aikenhead Ministries agencies will focus on our core value of Hope. In his 2017 TED Talk, Pope Francis offered these words on hope:

The future has a name, and its name is hope. Hope is the virtue of the heart that doesn’t lock itself into darkness, that doesn’t dwell on the past, does not simply get by in the present, but is able to see tomorrow. Hope is the door that opens onto the future.

2025 is a centenary year at Mt St Michael’s College, and we have selected "Hope Endures" as our College theme. As we celebrate 100 years of education in faith and love, we will cast our gaze backward as we celebrate our heritage and accomplishments, and we will cast our gaze forward as we dream about what MSM can be in its second century.

Our theme logo features a picture of an azalea blossom. Azalea bushes surround Grantuly Homestead, and while they lie dormant at this time of year, in the spring they bloom with thousands of beautiful blossoms. The azalea – like the cherry blossom – is a symbol of hope and endurance and they are an important part of the heritage story of our College.

Our 2025 Major Fundraiser: Project Providence
This is a year for us to celebrate the gifts of girls' education. After all, we’ve been in the business of educating girls for 100 years!

While education is a right that we all enjoy, it’s easy to forget that many of our sisters in other parts of the world are not so fortunate.

For more than 60 years, the Religious Sisters of Charity from Ireland have been working in Nigeria and Malawi. They have opened many schools and hospitals and continue to bring hope and the promise of a better future through their ministries. The data on girls education in Nigeria and Malawi is sobering:

  • In Nigeria 43% of girls have never been to school. Of those who do, most only receive a few years of primary school education. Fewer than 6% of girls get to go to university.
  • In Malawi 51% of girls finish primary school, despite it being free for all children. Fewer than 20% go to secondary school and most do not finish their studies. 47% of girls are married before the age of 18, and education is a protective factor in the quest to end child marriage.

Through Project Providence, MSM will partner with the Religious Sisters of Charity in Ireland to fund a special project focused on girls’ education. Our fundraising goal is $15,000. This money will be used to provide scholarships to two female students – one in Nigeria and one in Malawi. The money we raise will cover the total cost of six years of secondary education for both students, including tuition fees, uniforms, text books and travel costs… everything she will need to stay in school and complete her education.

We look forward to providing updates on our fundraising progress across 2025.

Year 7 Retreat
We warmly welcomed our Year 7 students to Mt St Michael’s College with a special retreat day at the end of their first week. Using themes from the Disney film Encanto, we explored concepts of welcome, identity and belonging. The Year 7 students enjoyed a wonderful day at the Retreat with their homeroom teachers, and many new friendships were forged in this gentle, relaxed environment. I sincerely thank Ms Conway (Pastoral Leader, Year 7) and the wonderful Year 7 Homeroom team for their attendance and support at the Retreat.

Opening Mass
Our community gathered this morning to formally open the 2025 school year, and to give thanks for a century of learning in faith and love at MSM. Mass was celebrated by Fr Gerry Kalinowski (Parish Priest, Jubilee Catholic Parish), a long-time friend of MSM. As part of today’s Mass, we blessed a special centenary pin for each student in the College, launched our centenary blessing prayer, and commissioned our Year 12 Leaders. Sincere thanks to the many staff and students who had a role in making today’s Mass so special.

CAN Groups begin in Week 3
Our Community Action Network (CAN) Groups will begin in the week 3 and 4 cycle. We have 5 CAN Groups at MSM that meet fortnightly at lunchtimes:

  • Social Justice Council (Day 1)
  • Interact (Day 2)
  • Environment Group (Day 3)
  • Sisters Empowering Sisters (Day 5)
  • Missions of St Vincent (Day 7)

Students in Years 7-12 are warmly welcome to join these meetings. This is a wonderful way to meet like-minded people and make new friends.

For Year 5 students, a new program MSM Cares will launch in the coming weeks.

Valentine’s Day Dress Up Day
Please note that Friday 14th February is a Valentine’s Day dress up day at MSM. Students must come to school in full formal uniform. Once at school, they may layer dress up accessories in pink and purple colours over their uniform. The cost of participating is $2, with funds going to Project Providence.

Welcome to 2025
We enjoyed a wonderful start to the 2025 school year, with our Year 12 students and staff welcoming our newest community members, Years 5 and 7 on Tuesday. We were greeted with beaming smiles, and I am pleased to report, very few tears…if one does not count those of the proud parents waving goodbye. The official MSM Welcome Assembly was the highlight of the day, with our Year 5 and 7 students being cheered on as they danced through the guard of honour into the Sophia Centre, truly a beautiful sight. This tradition serves as a symbol of the beginning of the MSM journey for our newest community members and is made even more poignant being the start of our centenary year.

Mt St Michael’s is certainly ready to thrive in 2025!

Friendly Reminders
  • In an effort to support our students to create healthy social habits, all mobile phones are to be placed in lockers from 8:30am – 3pm. Mobile phones are not allowed to be used for payments at the Kaf.
  • All students are to wear their formal uniform, including the College bag and hat, to and from the College each day.
  • No false eyelashes, nails or make up to be worn.
  • No helixes, multiple ear piercings, or nose piercings. If ‘clears’ are visible, students will be asked to remove them.
  • Laptops MUST be carried in laptop bags at all times.
As we commence the new academic year of 2025, I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all students returning to the College, as well as a warm welcome to our new Year 5 and 7 students and those who have joined us in 2025. We are excited to have you as part of our MSM community.
Each year brings with it a wealth of new opportunities, challenges, and the potential for remarkable achievements. As we embark on 2025, let's embrace these possibilities with open minds and determined spirits. At MSM, our dedicated teachers are committed to delivering high-quality education and fostering a supportive community where students can truly thrive.

I encourage all students to actively engage in your classes, seek help whenever needed, and collaborate with your peers. By participating fully in your education, you will not only enhance your own learning experience but also contribute to the vibrant and dynamic community that MSM is known for.
Looking ahead to 2025, we are filled with hope and anticipation. This is a time for growth, exploration, and discovery. Let us make the most of every opportunity and support one another in our journey towards academic and personal excellence.

Subject Changes – Years 8 – 11
Students in Years 8-10 have until Friday 14 February to finalise any subject changes for Semester 1, 2025. Year 11 students also have until this date to finalise their Unit 1 choices. Please ensure you make any necessary adjustments by this deadline to ensure a smooth and successful start to your studies.

Year 11 Information Evening
We look forward to welcoming parents and students to the upcoming Year 11 Information Evening on Tuesday 11 February, commencing at 6 pm in the Sophia Centre. This evening will provide an in-depth overview of the QCE system and is a valuable opportunity for students and families to understand what to expect across Years 11 and 12.

Our presenters will outline the academic and pastoral support structures in place to ensure the best possible outcomes for our senior students. Additionally, there will be opportunities for students and families to engage with the presenters and ask questions. This interaction is crucial for building a strong support network and ensuring that everyone is well-informed and prepared for the journey ahead.

Elevate Education - Parent Webinar Series
This year, our students in Years 7, 8, and 9 will participate in Elevate Education’s high-impact workshops, designed to develop their study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. Throughout the next term, you are invited to join their parent webinar series. These webinars will help you support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they are learning at school.
Upcoming Parent Webinars in Term 1:
  • How to Get (And Keep!) Your Child Motivated - 12th February 6:30pm (AEDT)
  • How You Can Help Your Child Manage Their Time – 26th February 6:30pm (AEDT)
  • How You Can Make Technology an Ally (& Not the Enemy!) - 12th March 6:30pm (AEDT)
  • How You Can Help Improve Your Child’s Memory - 26th March 6:30pm (AEDT)
Register for the series by clicking the link below and learn some valuable strategies to help support your child’s learning journey.
We are immensely proud of how our Year 5 students have settled in at Mt St Michael’s. They have spent their first two weeks building positive relationships with their teachers and fellow classmates, as well as learning the routines of their new school. Some other highlights for the Year 5s so far have included meeting their Year 9 Big Sisters, walking through the Guard of Honour at their first whole College assembly, receiving their laptops, engaging in their first specialist subject lessons and borrowing books from the Library! We are very excited for the year ahead!

Katie Jordan
Head of Junior School


Our Year 11 Dance students had an unforgettable experience this week as they participated in a vibrant Bollywood dance workshop led by a guest artist from Dance Masala!

As part of their curriculum dance studies, students explored the rich cultural heritage and expressive storytelling of Bollywood dance. From dynamic hand gestures (mudras) to high-energy footwork and dramatic facial expressions, they embraced the essence of this colourful and captivating dance style.

Not only did this workshop enhance their technical and performance skills, but it also deepened their understanding of global dance traditions and the fusion of classical and contemporary movement.

Sincere thanks to Dance Masala for sharing their passion and expertise with us. We can't wait to see how our students incorporate this experience into their own creative work.

Thank you to our MSM families who have purchased a heart in support of our Light the Way Capital Campaign. 

Funds raised will be used to support college initiatives, ensuring that future generations of Mt St Michael’s students can receive the very best education. 

All donations are tax-deductible and heart plaques will be mounted and blessed on Mary Aikenhead Day. 

  • “Back to MSM” Alumni Reunion Day Saturday 22 March at MSM.
    We look forward to welcoming back all MSM Alumni for this day of celebration.
  • Mary Aikenhead Day Mass – Friday 25 July at 12 noon.
    All members of the MSM Community are invited to join us for this very special mass to be held at Riverlife Baptist Church.
  • Centenary Gala Dinner - Saturday 26 July. 
    More details to come!

School Fees
We would like to extend our gratitude to families who have taken the time to set up their Payment Schedules or have already paid their fees for this year. Your prompt action is greatly appreciated.

As a reminder, there are two available options for paying School Fees:

1. Setting up a Payment Schedule is due via Parent Lounge.
2. Alternatively, the annual fee payment must be made by 14 February 2025, also via Parent Lounge.
For your convenience, Parent Lounge can be accessed through the College App or by visiting https://tass.msm.qld.edu.au/parentlounge/.
Additionally, the email that was sent to all families regarding the 2025 School Fees can be accessed here. For assistance in setting up a payment schedule, the instructions are available here.

Help Support the MSM Environment Group

Support the MSM Environment Group by donating your eligible containers! Bring your containers to school or use our scheme ID when returning to your local depot. Your donations will go towards funding our current and future environmental initiatives.

Mt St Michael's College scheme ID: C10333591
In the interest of keeping everyone in our community safe and traffic flowing freely, please refrain from double parking in the pick up zone outside the Ionian on Aloomba Road.
Mt St Michael's College
67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060

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