I would like to welcome all students back for Term 3 and hope that they had a relaxing mid-year break! As we get back into the swing of school, there are a few reminders that I would like to offer all students.
Semester 2 Assessment Calendars
Semester 2 Assessment Calendars have been finalised for students in Years 7 – 10 and have been released. Given that Semester 2 is shorter than Semester 1, it is vital that your daughter start planning her study commitments once she has received her calendar to give her the greatest opportunity to submit her best work. Year 11 and 12 students have their Unit 2 and Unit 4 assessment calendars and need to be revising these regularly as assessment in on the horizon!
Parent Teacher Conferences – Monday 17 July
Parent Teacher Conferences will be occurring for students in Years 7 - 12 on Monday 17 July from 9:00am – 6:00pm. The conferences will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
If you experience any technical issues with joining parent teacher conferences, please call the MSM Helpdesk on 07 3858 4999.
Subject Information Evenings
As we commence Semester 2, we now start to consider the 2024 academic year. Our Year 10 students will engage with their Year 11 Subject Selection Evening on Monday 24 July commencing at 5:00pm in the Sophia Centre. The evening will conclude at approximately 7:00pm. This is a very important event that provides detailed information about the QCE system as well as the various pathways on offer to students in the senior years. Students and parents will be able to engage with a variety of subject talks at this event to determine their choices moving forward with a course of study.
On Tuesday 1 August, students currently in Year 9 will have their Year 10 Subject Selection Evening. This evening gives students and parents the opportunity to speak with the Curriculum Leaders and subject teachers and ask any questions to allow them to make the best decisions they can for their academic journey. Information about this evening will be sent home to families shortly. I strongly encourage all students to get involved with these processes to ensure that they are making informed decisions about their 2024 subject choices.
Year 7 and Year 8 students will hear presentations about their 2024 elective choices from Curriculum Leaders in their Positive Education lessons on Wednesday 2 August.
All students will be required to submit their 2024 subject selections using the online platform Web Preferences. Students will receive an email after their subject selection event with detailed instructions about how to do this.
Year 10 SET Planning
This term, Year 10 students will be involved in a thorough process to assist them to choose the most appropriate courses of study for Year 11, 2024. As part of the subject selection process, all students will be completing a Student Education and Training (SET) Plan.
SET Plan interviews will be held between Tuesday 8 August – Friday 18 August 2023. Interviews will be approximately 20 - 25 minutes. Students and parents will meet with an allocated Curriculum Leader to complete the SET Plan. This is a compulsory requirement of the senior schooling process. Bookings for a SET plan interview are now open in Parent Lounge and will close at 3pm on Friday 4 August.
Accessing Progressive Reporting in Parent Lounge
Semester 1 Report Cards were published for all students in Years 7 – 10 at the end of Term 2. Report cards give an overview of how students have performed across the semester. Detailed information about the breakdown of criteria for specific tasks and individual teacher feedback can be found under Student Details > Curricular Activities in Parent Lounge. Please click on the button below to find a guide about how to access all progressive reporting feedback.