Welcome back to the final term of the year! Next week, as our Year 12 students enter their final week of classes and prepare for External Exams, we keep them in our prayers. I am confident that all of our Year 12 students have a balanced study schedule that includes time for rest and physical activity.
A warm welcome back to you all for this, our final term for 2023. I have just returned from a wonderful period of long service leave, spent in the highlands of Scotland, Ireland and the South of France. While I was in Ireland, I visited the spectacular valley of Glendalough in County Wicklow, home to the ruins of an early medieval monastic settlement founded in the 6th Century by St Kevin.
Like many of the religious of his time, St Kevin retreated into the forest and established the settlement at Glendalough to escape the noise, turmoil and distractions of the wider world. There, in the peace of the valley and the beauty of nature, St Kevin found peace and connection with God. As I wandered through the ruins of the medieval buildings, I was struck by the profound peace that I experienced, and I had some sense of what drew St Kevin to settle there all that time ago.
A few days later, as I wandered through the halls of the National Gallery of Ireland, I found a remarkable portrait of an Irish Sister of Charity, notable human rights campaigner Sr Stanislaus Kennedy. Sr Stan, as she’s more commonly known, is the founder of Focus Ireland, a charity that supports and empowers homeless people and The Immigrant Council of Ireland, and has been instrumental in advocating for refugee rights.
It struck me that while St Kevin found peace by retreating from the world, Sr Stan and the Sisters of Charity, find peace by leaning in to the world, never deterred by the messiness, complexity and frailty of the human condition. Certainly, to retreat and to rest is very important, but it can’t be to the detriment of service, compassion and love.
Prayers for our Year 12 Students
This week’s Leadership Commissioning Ceremony, where we blessed our 2024 Student Leaders, signifies the beginning of the end of the high school journey for the class of 2023. Term 4 will be full of many milestone moments for our graduating seniors, and I ask that you hold them in your prayers as they prepare for their final exams and graduation season.
I’d like to share with you a special blessing prayer that we used to close the Year 12 Residential Retreat this year. We hold each graduating student in our hearts at this time:
Beloved pilgrim,
As you continue on your journey
May your heart be open to surprise.
On every step along the way,
May hidden goodness come to meet you.
From unexpected places in your life,
May blessings anoint you.
As you walk the memory road,
May it become a path of transformation.
In claiming the beauty of your life,
May you recognise the One
In whose image you were created.
Go on with our love, and with our blessings. Amen.
I would like to welcome all students back for Term 4 and hope that they had a relaxing break! As we prepare for the final term of the year, there are a few reminders that I would like to offer.
Semester 2 Assessment Calendars
Term 4 is our shortest term of the year, and it is important that your daughter checks her Semester 2 Assessment Calendar this week to allow her to start planning her study commitments for the next six weeks. Mrs Kean, Program Leader – Senior School, and Ms Larkings, Program Leader – Middle School, spend an enormous amount of time ensuring that assessment tasks are placed at the best possible time with the due date identified clearly on the assessment calendar. It is always a good idea to print a copy of the assessment calendar and place it somewhere prominent in the household, such as on the fridge.
Year 12 Independent Study Week and External Examinations
Our Year 12 students have their final day of official classes next Friday, 13 October. In week 3, they embark on their Independent Study Week in preparation for their External Examinations. Year 12 students are still able to contact their teachers via Teams or email if they have questions in the lead up to their External Examination. If they come on campus to meet with their teacher during the timetabled lesson time, they need to sign in through Student Reception and be in full formal uniform.
I strongly encourage all Year 12 students to ensure they are aware of the equipment they require for each of their External Examinations and wish them all the very best for these important examinations.
Unit 3 Commences for Year 11 Students
Year 11 students have commenced with their Unit 3 studies this term. All assessment from this point forward in general subjects will potentially contribute to a student’s final ATAR calculation. For this reason, students are no longer able to change subjects across Unit 3 and 4. I am aware that there are several Year 11 students who do not have the required equipment for Unit 3. Parents are reminded that they can find the Unit 3 & 4 Stationery and Booklist requirements under the Resources for Parents link on the College website. If you have any questions about the required equipment, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The College community warmly welcomed the 2024 Student Leadership Team in our Commissioning Assembly. These exceptional students accepted the honour and challenge to serve MSM. We encourage the 2024 SLT to share wisely and generously of their time, talents and energy. Go. Lead. Inspire.
Year 12 SOR students enjoyed their final lesson of Term 3 playing ‘Exam Revision Jenga’! Each piece removed from their towers revealed a key term from the SOR syllabus. Students aimed to provide a clear and detailed explanation of the terms to their teammates as a way of consolidating their knowledge and understanding. The towers were impressive, but not as impressive as students’ exam responses will be on November 9!
MSM Year 7-9 students enjoyed a wonderful display of culture at their Middle School Assembly at the end of Term 3. Our Year 7-8 Choir who were recently awarded a Silver Award at QCMF performed “Kusimama” and our Year 9 Dance students showcased their strong choreographic work produced this term. Year 8 Drama entertained with a comical melodrama act. Our Year 9 French students showed-off their fabulous French language during a role play and Year 9 Japanese provided interesting insights into the Japanese culture with a focus on the Japanese Summer Festival. So many amazing talents shared in one morning.
Students from 201 schools across Queensland and Australia, came together at the end of the September holidays for three days of intense music making at the QLD Conservatorium of Music, Griffith University. Six lucky and talented MSM students represented the College with pride. Here are some of their reflections: