On 31 January we hosted our Principal’s Honours Assembly to celebrate the academic achievements of our 2022 cohort. Forty-two students were acknowledged as “Honour Students” - recognised for their excellence in achievement and commitment to their studies in their chosen pathway (either ATAR or Vocational Education).  Each Honour Student was presented with a Principal’s Honour Award and signed the MSM Honour Roll.  Congratulations to the Dux of the College for 2022 Olivia Cavanagh. 
I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our 2022 cohort. It was a privilege to share some notable highlights of our student’s achievements:
  • 100% of our students received a QCE.
  • 26 students received 6A’s awarding them the QCAA Certificate of Academic Commendation representing 20% of our ATAR eligible students. 1,314 of these were awarded in the State.
  • 6 students achieved 100% on internal and external results with one student achieving a perfect score in two subject areas.
  • 31 students achieved 100% on their external examination, some in multiple subjects making a total of 40 “students”.
Regarding QTAC offers the most popular areas of study were:
  1. Society and Culture
  2. Health
  3. Management and Commerce
  4. Natural and Physical Sciences
  5. Creative Arts
  6. Engineering.
A special thank you to our Honour Students who addressed the audience and shared their own reflections on their journey to excellence.  Here are some of their precious gems of advice.

“Make sure your motivation for success is coming from a positive and independent place – you should be fuelled by your own desire for success and achieving the best you can do, not unrealistic standards or comparison to others.” Lucy

“School and decisions are so much easier when you enjoy what you’re learning.  If you do what you love, you will love what you do.”  Steph

“My first message to the younger grades, I know joining co-curriculars is intimidating but I encourage you to try something that stands out to you as you never know the opportunities it might lead you to.”  Mia

“Regarding assignments, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of handing in a high-quality draft. Putting in the effort during the drafting stage means that you have the time to fine tune your assignment rather than reworking it entirely. Not only does this mean that you have less work during the week before the submission, but it also allows the feedback you receive to be of most benefit to you.”  Sophie

These pieces of advice beautifully complemented the messages that the Year 12 students enthusiastically shared at Thursday’s Assembly as they launched their theme for 2023 -  “Add Some Spice to your MSM Life”. I would like to congratulate the Year 12 students on their excellent leadership of the College – they are certainly setting a positive, energetic tone!

In Faith and Love

Sharon Volp

Upcoming Events
MSM Year 7 Parents and Caregivers are warmly invited to join us for the 2023 P&F "Welcome to MSM" event on Friday 24 February from 6 – 8.30pm in the Sophia Centre. Click the link below to book tickets. Ticket sales close next Friday, 17 February.
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the MSM Foundation IWD High Tea back onsite in the Sophia Centre on Friday 10 March. Further details on ticket release will be available next week. Individual tickets and table purchases will be available. Start planning - encourage your friends to join you for this beautiful event.
2023 College Leadership Team
As we continue to gather as a community, it was a pleasure to welcome the Year 7 Fathers and other significant males to the Sophia Centre this morning to share breakfast with their Year 7 daughter.
Thank you to our guest presenter, Professor Daniel Angus, Professor of Digital Communication in QUT's School of Communication, for sharing his wisdom with us.

COVID-19 has accelerated the rate of digitisation, so Professor Daniel's presentation on 'The Digital Society' is timely. As a father with a Year 7 daughter, he spoke about the fundamentally different world that our Year 7 students live in, comparatively to their parents world as a Year 7 student. He facilitated a conversation between fathers/caregivers/guardians and their daughters about the types of apps most used by both parties, the positive role these apps/media play in their lives, and how they are useful.

He also encouraged discussion about some of the anxieties that have arisen because of the use of technology and apps, and that opening a dialogue between parents and daughters is critical in determining the purpose of an app and even negotiating boundaries.

Overall, Professor Daniel emphasised that new technologies are constantly emerging. While it is important to embrace new technology, it is also necessary to complete tasks manually because skill development is critical. The guiding principle is to be strategic as well as ambitious.

It was also wonderful to see our Year 7 students' confidence in asking questions in front of an audience. My favourite this morning was "should my dad get off his mobile phone to spend more time with his daughter". Professor Daniel responded carefully, explaining the busy life of parents and suggesting times when precious time can be spent together without the use of technology.

Thank you to the College Leadership Team and the Year 7 Pastoral Team for joining us for breakfast. I'd also like to thank our Development Office team for their early start and incredible organisation this morning, as well as our Facilities team and IT support.

We are looking forward to Week 4 and the many activities and events that continue to provide our students with a holistic education.


Year 7 Retreat 

At the end of our first week, our Year 7 students enjoyed their first MSM Retreat Day. In 2023, the College is implementing a brand new bespoke Retreat program for all year levels, and our Year 7 students were the first to benefit from this new program.

The Retreat was called Home: Welcome to Family MSM! Using the wonderful film Encanto, our staff and students explored the themes of community, identity and belonging through a series of games, reflections, craft activities and prayer. We concluded the day with a beautiful welcome ritual where each student was called by name and anointed by her homeroom teacher.

I’d like to thank Ms Conway (Yr 7 Pastoral Leader) and the Year 7 Pastoral Team for their excellent work and their continued care for the newest members of our MSM family.

MSM Opening Eucharist

On Friday 3 February our community gathered to formally open the 2023 academic year with a beautiful Mass, presided by Fr Gerry Kalinowski from Jubilee Parish. We unpacked our College theme Love Without Limits, as we pondered Australian Cartoonist Michael Leunig’s beautiful statement: love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that. There is no other way.

In his homily, Fr Gerry reminded us that in order to love others, we first need to love and accept ourselves. He pointed to the example of our 2023 Australian of the year Taryn Brumfitt, whose campaign for body positivity and acceptance has inspired millions. As she continues to fight the toxic parts of our culture that continuously tell us that we are not enough, she has this to say about love: I think learning to love yourself happens away from the mirror. Humility, kindness and compassion should be the currency of beauty.

We thank Fr Gerry and all who played a role in making this Mass possible.

MSM Giving Program: Introducing our Major Project for 2023

On Thursday, our College Mission Captains Amy and Sophie launched our first ever MSM Major Project. Our College Giving program is changing in 2023, to allow us to streamline our charitable donations, and ensure that we can better educate our students about the campaigns they are participating in.

Each year, we will have a single major fundraising project that the whole school will work on. These projects will be directly linked to the ongoing work of the Sisters of Charity in Australia. In 2023, we are proud to launch Project Wakitikimi. Our students will be working to raise $10 000 to support First Nations students in Early Learning Centres in the Northern Territory and Tiwi Islands. Sr Leone Wittmack rsc is a Sister of Charity working for CatholicCare NT. Sr Leone and her staff will use the funds we raise to work with Elders to create reading books in the 40 traditional languages spoken in the NT, so that children attending CatholicCare NT’s Early Learning Centres can learn to read and speak their traditional languages. These languages are an integral link to lore, culture, traditional knowledge and spirituality, and keeping language strong is an essential component of reconciliation work.

We will continue to support our existinting charities (such as Downs & West and Micah Projects) through year level fundraising projects, but the majority of our funds will go towards this new major project. We look forward to sharing more with you on this throughout the year.

Child Protection: A MSM Community Priority

At Mt St Michael’s College is committed to ensuring the safety and privacy of all students.

One important aspect of this is respecting their right to not have their image captured or filmed without their or their parent's consent. This applies to all college events, whether they are on-campus or off-campus activities, academic, arts performances or sporting events.

Filming or taking photographs of students at school events can pose serious privacy concerns, particularly in the age of social media where images can be easily shared and spread online. The inappropriate sharing or use of images of students can cause harm to their reputation, self-esteem, and overall wellbeing. Additionally, such images can also put students at risk of exploitation or cyber-bullying.

Therefore, it is crucial that parents and carers understand the importance of not filming or taking photos at college events, and to respect the privacy of other students by not capturing or sharing their images. If parents or carers do wish to capture memories of their child at school events, they should always seek prior consent from the college and parents of other students who may be in the photos. Our Mt St Michael’s College and MSM Spirit Instagram pages share images from a variety of our college events and activities and are all shared with the observation of student privacy and permission preferences.

As I know you all understand, protecting the privacy and safety of our students is a priority at Mt St Michael’s College, and parents and carers play an important role in ensuring this. By respecting the privacy of students at our college events, we can help to create a safe and secure learning community for all.

Assessment Calendars

Semester 1, Unit 1 and Units 3 & 4 Assessment Calendars have been made available to all students this week.

These calendars provide an overview of all assessment for the upcoming semester and it is very important that all students use these documents to organise their time and resources to ensure all assessment tasks are completed to the best of their ability.

Parents can access up-to-date assessment calendars through Parent Lounge using the following steps:

1. Go to Calendar > eDiary Student Name
2. Untick all fields except LMS/Assessment Activities
3. You can view what is due in the coming month
 Year 11 & 12 Information Evenings
I would like to extend my thanks to the members of the College Leadership Team, teaching staff, parents and students who joined us for the Year 11 and 12 Information Evenings across the past two weeks. We trust that you found these evenings informative. Year 12 families were all emailed a copy of the slide presentation. Year 11 students were all given a copy of the slides presented. Students who were unable to attend need to collect their copy of the information from Ms McLaughlin.
Contacting Teaching Staff
Parents are encouraged to contact either homeroom teachers for pastoral matters or subject teachers for curriculum matters at any time throughout the year should concerns arise. For matters pertaining to what is occurring in the classroom, the subject teacher is the best person to contact in the first instance, as they are in the classrooms with students. Homeroom and subject teacher contact details are all available in Parent Lounge. Please go to Student Details > Email Class Teachers > Select the teacher’s name that you want to email.
Important Information
Vocational Education Expectations

The world of vocational education (Certificate courses, Apprenticeships and Traineeships) comes with the key words – Adult Learning Environment.
So what does this mean? This means that the student is expected to act in an adult manner to communicate their needs and meet deadlines and other requirements. The vocational students were instructed in this during their recent Welcome to VET Seminar.
As such, all vocational students are expected to know when their due dates are for school and their courses and meet both or negotiate options with the Program Leader – Senior School and Program Leader – Career Pathways if there are clashes. However, please be aware that exam dates cannot be changed as this is an equity issue and falls under the QCAA policies. Additionally, it is the students’ responsibility to communicate with their teachers about work missed and with the Program Leader – Career Pathways and their trainer/work about absences due to illness.
Therefore, parents are only responsible for ringing the school should their student be sick and cannot attend their course/work or school.
Should the vocational student be undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship, there are additional requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to negotiate which school day (whole day) they will be missing with their employer, and this needs to be suitable to both parties. As a College, it is suggested that students stick with this day for the full year, unless the workplace asks for a change. This provides consistency to all parties. Yes, there is the potential for a student to miss doubles; however, this is the reality of undertaking VET courses and this can be caught up in the study line provided. It is also important to note that there is a minimum of 50 (7 hour) days required each year in apprenticeships and traineeships, so full days are a must and students will have to attend work in the school holidays to ensure they have the correct number of days.
Anna Webb
Program Leader – Career Pathways
Around the College
National Quest Challenge

On assembly we celebrated the achievement of Sophie (Year 9), Isabella (Year 8) and Phoebe (Year 9) in the National Quest Challenge for Gifted and Talented students. These students were commended for their critical and creative application of extension learning as they responded to the multiple challenges of this competition. Our Quest teams’ preparation for the challenges, teamwork, and approach to problem solving were exceptional. The results of the National Quest Challenge included 1st place in Science, 4th place in Mathematics, and 1st place in the Humanities section. Overall Mt St Michael’s College placed 2nd in Australia. Congratulations Sophie, Isabella, and Phoebe on this outstanding achievement.
Year 7 Visual Art

Year 7 Visual Art elective class have demonstrated boundless enthusiasm in the newly created unit of work inspired by a monoprinting technique introduced by Queensland artist/printmaker, Glen Skien during a 2020 workshop at the college.  Students have meticulously painted detailed close up views of the college grounds onto acrylic sheets which will be printed and further hand coloured into final refined designs.  
A new co-curricular Group at MSM

As a way to improve students' wellbeing and take a break from the stresses of school life, Colourspace has been introduced as a new addition to the co-curricular groups. Led by Colouring Club Captains, Alicia and Eve, students from all year levels joined together last Friday at lunchtime to colour in. Participants enjoyed the friendly atmosphere with movies and music playing in the background and lollies to feast on, providing a fun and relaxing way to conclude a busy week.

Year 8 Visual Art - "What am I?"

The Year 8 Visual Art classes have prepared preliminary sketches/designs for their “What Am I?” unit of work from which they will create a figurative clay character representing a symbolic version of themselves. Starting with a clay pinch pot these students will form the heads and bodies of their characters which will take shape over the next few weeks.  
MSM College Community Groups
 P&F Meetings: Please check the Mt St Michael's College Facebook page and App for meeting update notifications.
Alumni Meetings: Please visit the MSM Alumni Association Facebook page for updates.
2023 P&F Events Schedule

Term 1
P&F Meeting Monday 6 February 6pm
P&F Year 7 Parent Welcome to MSM Friday 24 February 6pm
P&F Meeting Monday 6 March 6pm
Term 2
P&F Year 8 & 9 Parents Social Evening Friday 28 April
P&F Meeting Monday 8 May 6pm
P&F Year 10 Parents Social Evening Friday 10 May
P&F Golf Day Friday 26 May
P&F Meeting Monday 5 June 6pm
Term 3
P&F Meeting Monday 7 August 6pm
P&F Mothers Lunch
P&F Meeting Monday 4 September 6pm
Term 4
P&F AGM & Meeting Monday 6 November 6pm

2023 Term Dates
Term 1
Tuesday 24 January – Friday 31 March
Term 2
Monday 17 April – Friday 16 June 
Term 3
Monday 10 July – Friday 15 September 
Term 4
Tuesday 3 October – Friday 24 November (Years 7-11)
Help Support the MSM Environment Group

Support the MSM Environment Group by donating your eligible containers! Bring your containers to school or use our scheme ID when returning to your local depot. Your donations will go towards funding our current and future environmental initiatives.

Mt St Michael's College scheme ID: C10333591
Now available on the College APP!
Mt St Michael’s College is pleased to bring to you the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our website and APP, this online portal, profiles businesses and provides opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote your services, sales and special offers. 

Many business owners profiled in the MSM Business Directory are long-term friends of the College. They include current and past parents, local businesses and alumni who, together show a commitment to Mt St Michael’s College and support for MSM events, fundraisers and initiatives. 

If you would like to be included in the online MSM Business Directory, simply email msmnews@msm.qld.edu.au

For more information please click here
Slow down!

The Brisbane City Council, in coordination with The Gap Ward Office, recently erected an additional 40 km/h school zone limit and traffic signs facing incoming traffic along Elimatta Drive and Aloomba Road following a request from Mt St Michael’s College to investigate the traffic management in the school vicinity. A safety project endorsed by Mt St Michael’s College’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committee.
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules. This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
Important Links
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67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060
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