Earlier today an email was distributed to our community providing an update on our progress with our Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID) application and our proposed new Learning Centre. Some of the key messages in that correspondence included:

Last year Mt St Michael’s College began engagement with the College Community and our neighbours regarding plans to improve the teaching facilities at Mt St Michael’s College. The project is about creating contemporary, flexible facilities to provide better educational outcomes for the existing enrolment cap of 900. Our masterplan aims to balance built form and open space across the College. It identifies opportunities to refurbish parts of our College to provide additional facilities for our students and staff. It proposes:
  • A new 2-3 storey building fronting Amarina Avenue including administration offices, library, meeting rooms, auditorium, and general learning areas
  • Internal refurbishments to existing buildings
  • New shade structures to playing courts and outdoor areas
  • Repurposing existing spaces to meet the College’s needs, including the heritage-listed ‘Grantuly’ building.
Tonight at our P&F Year 7 Parent 'Welcome to MSM' function, consultants from Three Plus will have a poster display and will be available to engage with parents and provide information on the MID process and the proposed project and collect parent feedback.

A further opportunity to view the poster display and provide feedback will be provided at the P&F Meeting which will be held in the Sophia Centre at 6.00pm on Monday 6 March. The poster display will be available from 5:00pm.  I encourage you to come along and hear about the project.

These opportunities are in addition to the Community Information Sessions which will be held in the Ionian Centre on Thursday 9 March at 4:00 pm, 4:45 pm and 5:30pm. Bookings are essential for this event - to book email jo@threeplus.com or phone 3167 1200 or 0404 224 152.

I encourage you to visit the project webpage at https://www.msm.qld.edu.au/futureplanning or email our planning team at planning@msm.qld.edu.au if you have any feedback.
MAM Stewardship Visit
On Monday evening the College Leadership Team, Sr Cate and the College Board were invited to a Mass for Mary Aikenhead Ministries to give thanks for our leaders in health and education. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Ms Miriam Townsley for organising our College Choir to lead the singing. Under the superb direction of conductor, Ms Donna Langford, our students embraced the opportunity to sing in the magnificent St Stephen’s Cathedral. I was so very proud of them.  A special thank you to the parents and caregivers for supporting the students at this very special event.

On Tuesday afternoon we hosted the Trustees of Mary Aikenhead Ministries for a Stewardship Visit of Mt St Michael’s. We were delighted to welcome Mr Richard Haddock, AO Chair, Mr Gary Humphrys, Professor Michael Drew, Ms Penelope Wright and Ms Margaret McKenna. We were also able to meet the recently appointed Mission and Formation Director, Mrs Louwanan Saba, and Ms Christine Raeside, the Executive Officer.

Our visit commenced with prayer in the Mary Aikenhead Centre Chapel led by our own Ms Kate Simpson.  Thank you to Breeze and Emily, our amazing College Captains, who accompanied our guests on a tour of MSM where they were able to engage with our students as they enjoyed the lunch break.  After the tour, members of the College Leadership Team, shared a presentation on how the mission life is being a lived experience at MSM.
Staffing Updates

We welcome Terri Brauer, who commenced the role of Marketing Officer – Digital and Design on Monday.  

In Faith and Love

Sharon Volp

Upcoming Events
Limited tickets remaining for our MSM Foundation IWD High Tea on Friday 10 March in the Sophia Centre. As one of the highlights of the College events calendar, this year’s event promises to be enjoyable as we join together with a growing global movement, celebrating IWD. Bookings close Wednesday 1 March, unless sold out prior.
Tickets for our highly anticipated IWD High Tea Raffle will be on sale from next week. Keep an eye out for the link to purchase your tickets via Rafflelink. 

Raffle proceeds are directed towards the MSM Foundation in support of the Light the Way Capital Campaign. 
2023 College Leadership Team
We are looking forward to our MSM Inter-house Swimming Carnival on Monday 27 February at the Valley Pool. I always enjoy these events as we see the incredible House Spirit as students cheer on the competitors and we listen in anticipation throughout the day as house points are announced.
All students are expected to attend as a competitor, cheering or involvement in the house points novelty race. Students arrive at school in their sport uniform and then add splashes of House colour whilst at the pool. We ask that students leave electronic devices behind and enjoy and become involved.
Open Evening Friday 3 March
3.30pm – 6.00pm

We are once again showcasing Mt St Michael's College as a leader in educational excellence, preparing students for the real world through a holistic education. At the heart of MSM learning is the way in which we come together each day in "Faith and Love" as part of an inclusive and diverse approach to learning that caters to all students.

Classes will conclude at 2:15 pm on Friday 3 March. Students who are not participating in Open Evening may depart at this time. I would like to thank all the students who have volunteered to help in a variety of ways on Open Evening.
Kanagawa Japanese Students

The College will host twenty Japanese students from Kanagawa from Monday 27 February to Friday 3 March for a cultural immersion into Australian school life. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the MSM families who have offered to host one of these students for a week. This will be a tremendously enriching experience for both our students and the Japanese students who are visiting.

This week, our Year 10 and Year 12 Debating teams participated in the first round of competition. We are so proud of our teams, with the 12.1 and 10.2 team winning their first round. What a fantastic beginning to the season!

Valentine’s Day at MSM

Our MSM family celebrated Love on Valentine’s Day, with a number of wonderful fundraisers for Project Wakitikimi. Our students raised $759.05 for our Major Project by dressing in pink & purple accessories to celebrate Valentine’s day.

At lunchtime, our Year 10 and 11 students held a very popular Pay it Forward With Love Market, with a sausage sizzle, face painting, food stalls and the ever popular lob-a-choc. For our Year 11 students, this market provided an opportunity to give back to our community for the privilege of being able to have a semi-formal. The students raised an impressive $1610.05 for Project Wakitikimi. Congratulations and thank you to all involved.
Year 9 Retreat Day

On 20 February, our Year 9 students enjoyed their annual Retreat day, Advocate: Walking in Mary’s Footsteps. Facilitated by myself, with support from Ms Devenish-Meares and our wonderful Year 9 Pastoral Team, the students reflected on the call to continue to walk in the footsteps of Mary Aikenhead, who served the poor of her time with great Love. The students engaged in a number of exciting and challenging workshops through the day, including an interactive service learning activity, where students made hundreds of sandwiches for children who go without school lunches. Thank you to Ms Devenish-Meares, the Year 9 Pastoral Team, and our friends at Vinnies Youth, Eat Up and the Romero Centre.
Pancake Day and Rice Day

Our annual fundraisers for Caritas Project Compassion were held on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. On Tuesday, Kaf staff sold pikelets to many willing customers, and our Year 7 & 11 students had a wonderful time at the inaugural Buddy Pancake Picnic event. This was a lovely opportunity for our Year 7 & 11 students to continue to develop their bonds while enjoying delicious pikelets and a few rounds of pass the parcel!

On Wednesday, the House Captains helped to coordinate a successful MSM Rice Day. As Ash Wednesday is traditionally a day of fasting and abstinence, each year we invite our students to forgo their usual lunch and purchase a simple meal of rice and water from the Kaf, in solidarity with those who have little to eat.
Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, the 40 days of preparation leading up to the celebration of Easter. On Wednesday morning, our community gathered in the Sophia Centre for a whole-school Lenten Liturgy, where we reflected on the times where we may not have lived to the fullness of our potential. Staff and students were marked with ash to remind themselves of the call to live simply during the Lenten season, to choose goodness, to heal relationships and to grow into all that God calls us to be. Thank you to our readers, singers and musicians for making the liturgy a beautiful, prayerful experience.

As the academic year progresses, and we come to the hallway point for Term 1, it is a good time to reflect on current study habits and consider how they may be improved to enhance outcomes.

Study Skills

Productive study skills are crucial for success in school and beyond and can help students achieve their academic goals while also fostering lifelong learning. Study skills are essential in promoting a positive attitude towards learning and increasing a student’s ability to concentrate, comprehend, and remember information. Developing good study skills can also assist a student to:
  1. Improve learning: Successful study skills can help a student learn and retain information more effectively. By developing a routine for studying, creating a dedicated study space, and focusing on active learning techniques, a student can increase their ability to comprehend and remember new material.
  2. Increase productivity: By being organised and efficient with studying, a student can increase their productivity and get more done in less time. This can help them balance their academic responsibilities with other important aspects of their life, such as co-curricular activities or a part-time job.
  3. Better time management: Effective study skills can help students manage their time more effectively, which is a critical skill for success in all areas of life. By setting goals, prioritising tasks, and creating a schedule, students can make the most of their time and achieve their academic goals.
  4. Reduced Stress: By developing productive study skills, students can reduce stress and anxiety related to their academic responsibilities. When a student has a plan in place and feel in control of their workload, they are less likely to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.
So how can your student develop good study skills? Here are some tips:
  1. Create a Dedicated Study Space: Find a quiet, distraction-free space where your student can study regularly. This will help them focus and stay on task.
  2. Create a Schedule: Make a schedule that includes time for studying, as well as other important activities. Stick to the schedule as much as possible to create a routine. There are spaces in the College diary where students can create this schedule.
  3. Use Active Learning Techniques: Use techniques such as summarising, highlighting, and creating study guides to engage with the material and increase their understanding.
  4. Take Breaks: Take breaks throughout their study sessions to help prevent burnout and maintain focus.
By developing effective study skills, students can set themselves up for success both in school and beyond. I hope that your student can take the time to reflect on their study habits and make any necessary adjustments to help them achieve their academic goals.
Attendance at School

Like study skills, regular attendance at school is also critical for your student’s learning and development. If your student is going to be absent during the term, parents need to request approval for this absence in writing from Ms Volp. While the value of a family vacation is accepted, as is the occasional need for attendance at events in term time, priority must be given to regular school attendance. This is particularly the case if your student’s absence will involve missing end-of-term assessment.
Extension Requests

There will be circumstances that arise where your student can apply for an extension to an assessment deadline. Please note that, as per QCAA guidelines, family holidays during term time are not valid reasons for an extension. If your daughter falls behind in her studies, generally through illness or misadventure, then she is entitled to apply to modify her assessment deadlines. If your daughter feels that she may need to negotiate her deadlines, then I strongly encourage her to contact either Ms Larkings, Program Leader Middle School, for students in Years 7 – 9 or Mrs Kean, Program Leader Senior School, for students in Years 10 - 12. Ms Larkings and Mrs Kean are in the best position to ascertain whether your daughter will meet the requirements for an adjustment to be made.  Please note that any request must be made at least two business days before the due date.
Absences when Assessment is Due

If your student is absent on a day when she has an assignment due, she is still expected to submit her assessment digitally using the process required for the specific subject. If your student is absent on the day that she is scheduled to sit an examination, please note that she will be required to complete the examination when she is back at the College either in a catch- up session during the school day or at a curriculum catch up on Thursday afternoon. Students will be expected to complete their missed examination as soon as practicable. The procedures relating to assessment can all be found in the Assessment and Reporting policy that was emailed to all families at the beginning of the term.
Around the College

Brooke Prentis visited Mt St Michael’s to share her wisdom and expertise with staff and students. Brooke is a Wakka Wakka woman and Aboriginal Christian leader whose dream of an Australia built on truth, justice, love and hope was shared with us through the image of Reconciliation as an outstretched hand of friendship. Brooke worked with Year 12 Religion and Ethics students who are preparing an assessment task based on the deep connection between Turrbal peoples and Killindarbin, the land now known as Ashgrove. Year 10 students, studying how the Church has lived its mission in recent times, were led by Brooke to reflect on the many facets of the relationship between Christianity and Aboriginal peoples. Students acknowledged the pain of the past, the struggle for justice today, and look forward to the future with hope.

Year 11 student Mia was recognised at our recent College Assembly for her involvement in the Lord Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council 2023. LMYAC delegates act as representatives of their school and community and are a voice for raising issues or sharing ideas that affect young people. It provides an opportunity for young people in Brisbane to identify issues and engage with each other in a public forum while developing their leadership skills. We congratulate Mia on her involvement in this important initiative.

French Club 2023 is now on! Students from various year levels come to the classroom to enjoy a French themed crossword, treats, games and French music! We have plenty more exciting games, movies, and songs ready for the weeks to come. Students are encouraged to attend on Day 1 in M19 at lunch to participate in all the French fun at MSM. À bientôt!


The Bollywood dance class with senior Dance students was a blast! Big thanks to the amazing Drea Lam from Dance Masala for bringing her energy and passion to our class. So proud of these young dancers for stepping out of their comfort zones and giving it their all!


Japan Club started the year sweetly with a Valentine's Day theme. After watching a clip on Valentine's customs in Japan, students made origami hearts, wrote a message and added a chocolate to their gift for their Valentine.

MSM College Community Groups
 P&F Meetings: Please check the Mt St Michael's College Facebook page and App for meeting update notifications.
Alumni Meetings: Please visit the MSM Alumni Association Facebook page for updates.
2023 P&F Events Schedule

Term 1
P&F Meeting Monday 6 February 6pm
P&F Year 7 Parent Welcome to MSM Friday 24 February 6pm
P&F Meeting Monday 6 March 6pm
Term 2
P&F Year 8 & 9 Parents Social Evening Friday 28 April
P&F Meeting Monday 8 May 6pm
P&F Year 10 Parents Social Evening Friday 10 May
P&F Golf Day Friday 26 May
P&F Meeting Monday 5 June 6pm
Term 3
P&F Meeting Monday 7 August 6pm
P&F Mothers Lunch
P&F Meeting Monday 4 September 6pm
Term 4
P&F AGM & Meeting Monday 6 November 6pm

2023 Term Dates
Term 1
Tuesday 24 January – Friday 31 March
Term 2
Monday 17 April – Friday 16 June 
Term 3
Monday 10 July – Friday 15 September 
Term 4
Tuesday 3 October – Friday 24 November (Years 7-11)
Help Support the MSM Environment Group

Support the MSM Environment Group by donating your eligible containers! Bring your containers to school or use our scheme ID when returning to your local depot. Your donations will go towards funding our current and future environmental initiatives.

Mt St Michael's College scheme ID: C10333591
Now available on the College APP!
Mt St Michael’s College is pleased to bring to you the MSM Business Directory. Accessed through our website and APP, this online portal, profiles businesses and provides opportunities to connect with the wider MSM community to promote your services, sales and special offers. 

Many business owners profiled in the MSM Business Directory are long-term friends of the College. They include current and past parents, local businesses and alumni who, together show a commitment to Mt St Michael’s College and support for MSM events, fundraisers and initiatives. 

If you would like to be included in the online MSM Business Directory, simply email msmnews@msm.qld.edu.au

For more information please click here
Slow down!

The Brisbane City Council, in coordination with The Gap Ward Office, recently erected an additional 40 km/h school zone limit and traffic signs facing incoming traffic along Elimatta Drive and Aloomba Road following a request from Mt St Michael’s College to investigate the traffic management in the school vicinity. A safety project endorsed by Mt St Michael’s College’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committee.
Parents are reminded, for the safety of everyone, to DROP students off in the LOADING ZONE area outside the Ionian Centre and avoid areas marked with yellow lines which is against road safety rules. This is dangerous as it blocks other driver’s visibility and obstructs cars from moving around.
Onsite parking in the College grounds; Grantuly, undercover in the Ionian Centre and within the campus near the Sophia Centre is only permitted for staff. In consideration of our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways, adhere to the 40 km speed limit and be considerate of those living around the College when dropping and picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students within the College grounds.

In consideration for our neighbours, where possible please avoid leaving your motor running, especially when parked outside a home.
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67 Elimatta Drive
Ashgrove, QLD 4060
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