On Wednesday we gathered in the Sophia Centre for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy to commence our Lenten Journey. During the Liturgy we received a sign of the cross in ash on our forehead as a sign of our commitment to live a better life and be faithful to the message of the Gospel. During Lent as Christians we are encouraged to do something extra in prayer, something involving fasting (whether it is limiting our intake of food or giving up something non-food related) and something involving almsgiving (giving money or goods to the needy or doing extra acts of charity).
The Year 12 theme this year is Mission Possible – Sisters on a Mission…so students... your Lenten Mission, if you chose to accept it, is The MSM Lenten Challenge. Below is a list of 40 suggestions of how you can incorporate prayer, fasting and almsgiving into your everyday life this Lent. This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you some ideas…
In faith and love
Sharon Volp
The season of Lent commences today on Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the forty days of Lent. At MSM, we celebrated this through our Ash Wednesday Liturgy held this morning. All members of our community were marked with a cross of ashes on their forehead as a reminder of the promise of new life which comes from living the mission of Jesus in today’s world. As a community, we came together in prayer and reflected that we our hearts are open to hearing the voice of God speaking to us in this time. As we celebrated our liturgy, we were all invited you to spend a moment in quiet reflection as we placed ourselves into the presence of our God who surrounds us in all that we do.